**Celestial Vision Thought for the Day**


Meeting Your Future Self in Consciousness 

Your future self provides one of the most valuable forms of feedback you can receive. If your future self is able to connect with you in consciousness, this is proof you are taking steps in your present moment to develop a wise and advanced future "you." This future “you” is able to offer guidance and reassurance that the steps you are taking in your present moment are aligned with your spiritual purpose. In this way, your future self is a wise source of comfort and assurance.

In addition to providing important feedback, your future self is able to bring you information and guidance for your present moment. Much of this information arrives in the form of "channeled" information. Channeled information is received into your consciousness as "energetic downloads" that your conscious mind over time learns to translate into words, images, concepts and inventions. You may experience these downloads as moments of sudden insight and inspiration, or as the arrival of previously unknown information into your consciousness. This information may arrive through different “channels,” including automatic writing, conscious or unconscious verbal “trance” channeling visionary art and energy healing. These are just a few ways in which you might experience these downloads.

Those who receive channeled information often identify the source of the material as coming from beyond themselves. However, in many cases, channeled information arrives in one's consciousness as the direct result of bringing one's energetic vibration into resonance with an advanced future aspect of one’s being. This communion with your future self might take place on the subconscious level - or if your conscious mind and that of your future self are aware and awake, you will both consciously recognize the exchange that is taking place.

It is important to note that these downloads and exchanges can take place whether you are consciously aware of them are not. If your conscious mind or ego is firmly in control, it will claim credit for the ideas and information you receive from your other "selves." If your ego believes itself to be limited in terms of its capabilities, it may choose to identify this channeled information as coming from an entity or being totally outside the self. If your ego is in a state of surrender to your spiritual purpose, it will humbly recognize the guidance and assistance it receives from other aspects of your being.

Your Future Self and the Akashic Records

One of the gifts you can receive through conscious communion with your future self is greater access to the "future Akashics." The Akashic Records are the etheric library that houses knowledge of all that ever has been or will be. This library contains all events and responses concerning consciousness in all realities that exist within the universe.

Whenever you align with aspects of your self that exist in other locations within the time/space continuum, you become more powerfully focused in consciousness. This powerful focus allows greater access to the knowledge contained within the Universal or Cosmic Mind. It is this access to the records of all time that make clairvoyance and all forms of psychic perception possible.

Excerpt from Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

Also see: Traveling Time to Meet a Future Self in Consciousness
Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks: A Soul Retrieval Journey

Posted on Friday, July 3, 2009 at 12:30AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Manifesting Yourself Opens Doors to Abundance and Prosperity 

Since financial challenges have been in the forefront recently, this makes the perfect testing ground for learning to wield your magic wand to transform scarcity into abundance.

Transforming Scarcity into Abundance and Prosperity

The first point of transformation is to understand you're not really transforming reality or "what is," but yourself. The identity you hold determines your field of possibilities and the realities you activate into your life. If you're not sure whether your identity is one of scarcity or abundance, become a detective in your own life, observing and making notes on things you habitually say, do and feel around the issue of money. If you find yourself constantly saying you can't afford things or that you’re "broke," or "poor," this is an indicator you have some degree of scarcity consciousness. Beliefs about scarcity often are passed from one's family and are therefore deeply ingrained. This heritage of scarcity thinking can be transformed but it requires cultivating awareness and an openness to changing any aspects of your consciousness that are still invested in scarcity.

Learning the Inherent Worth of All Beings

It’s difficult to manifest any significant amount of abundance when your thoughts are holding onto lack in any way. While you may speak affirmations to the contrary and create positive visions of what you wish to manifest, these efforts won’t succeed if underneath the surface, you’re playing old tapes attuned to the frequency of lack. These tapes are often created early in life. In fact, if you’re experiencing lack in any way, there are likely moments you can trace back to your childhood where you received programming that implied you are not worthy of having what you dream of.

This is not saying you are a victim in any sense. When a spirit chooses the condition of unworthiness from the shopping list of available life experiences, this choice is made from a need at the soul level to learn the inherent worth of all beings. Maybe you have come to accept your own inherent worth, but your inner child of the past is still confused and feeling unworthy. This is enough to keep you from experiencing abundance in your present moment. These unresolved feelings may spin out self-sabotaging behaviors that prevent you from moving forward until you have healed your inner child. As you bring your focus and attention to those parts of yourself in need, you heal your past and present and clear the way to peacefully transition to the next step on your path.

When you’re ready to step into emotional freedom with a healed and spiritually aligned consciousness, you’re ready to see the world through the lens of abundance.

Seeing the World through the Lens of Abundance

When you see the world through the lens of abundance, there is always plenty, always more than enough. In your most abundant state, you’re able to telepathically commune with your higher self, your guides and angels. You understand that when you set about bringing the visions you receive from your higher self into physical reality, resources flow to help manifest that reality. Life force energy flows in great abundance, as does joy and love and happiness. It is in this way that you manifest the version of yourself that is aligned with your highest vision.

Excerpt from Abundance Magic: 44 Steps to Manifesting the Future of Your
Dreams by DL Zeta

Posted on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 12:54AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

The Connection Between Exercise and Intuition 

Some people have asked me if there's a connection between exercise and intuition. The answer is yes, definitely.

Every time you exercise and move your body, you are that much closer to connecting to your intuition. Our bodies are intuitive receptors that contain enormous amounts of information for us to integrate into our daily lives. This information can appear in the form of a physical sensation, a gut sense or an instant knowing. The messages and
guidance we receive from our non-linear mind support us in living healthy, enriched and balanced lives.

When we exercise and move our bodies, we no longer stay stuck in our heads. Instead we allow the deep and meaningful connection to our entire physical being to exist . When we do this, we naturally connect to the inherent wisdom of our bodies.

When I go out for my daily walk, I receive dozens of inspired thoughts and ideas for my day. Very often solutions present themselves to matters I was preoccupied with and thinking about even days earlier. My walk has a beautiful way of clearing my mind and providing me with a sense of relaxation, inspiration and well-being.

Here are 5 reasons why exercise & movement connect you to your intuition:

1. To use your intuition, you need to be connected to your body. Exercise heightens your awareness to your physical nature and the life force within you that animates your body.

2. Being physical means being in your body, grounded and connected to the physical world. When you're engaged in physical activity, you're less likely to be stuck in your head mulling things over from the day, looking for solutions to your problems. As soon as you engage in movement and activity, mental chatter lessens, thus making room for wisdom and inspiration from within to flow.

3. Exercise increases energy levels, mental acuity and also reduces stress levels. All these benefits create a favorable environment for intuition to communicate to us. The intuitive voice is subtle and requires attentiveness, awareness and groundedness.

4. Exercise improves your mood and promotes relaxation. This creates a fertile space for intuition to come through and be heard. We can hear our intuition most when we are relaxed and undisturbed, especially by emotions such as fear or anxiety.

One more crucial point worth noting about exercise and intuition is that exercise boosts self-esteem. Listening to, trusting and then acting upon your intuition requires self-esteem and courage. By developing your self-esteem,
you will develop your ability to trust and successfully act upon your intuition.

The next time you are exercising or moving your body, notice how you are feeling. You might even find yourself arriving at a solution to a problem you had since given up on. And know that we are all able to access these moments of inspiration and clarity.

Excerpt from The Metaphysics of Radiant Health Ebook by DL Zeta

Posted on Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 09:27PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Traveling Time to Assist a Past Self By DL Zeta

As energies are amplified on the Earth plane, many are awakening to moments from their past that are still crying out for healing and release. These moments have always called to you, but with veils between timeframe dimensions dissolving, it is easier to hear them now. As you become more aware, you may feel troubled and even haunted by them. This is especially true if you are uncertain how to assist these younger aspects of yourself trapped in `time.'

It is possible to time travel into the past and commune with past selves. It's through this communion that you're able to bring about healing and greater understanding among younger `child' aspects of yourself. This healing not only assists your past, but extends into your present moment as well.

Approaching a Past Self

It's important to approach a past self from a place of understanding and forgiveness. From the point of power of your present-moment self, you can have compassion for a "you" whose attention is focused in a different place on the time/space continuum. This version of yourself may seem less knowing once your consciousness expands. Know that this past self did the best it could, taking steps in whatever way it could within its own timeframe to contribute to your present-day consciousness. From this perspective, it is easy to forgive your past self for anything it created from a place of misunderstanding. Own this past self and love it. Express gratitude for how it has helped you become who you are.

As you come to appreciate your past, you can time travel to meet a past self in need and begin working with it to fulfill your life purpose. Imagine your present-moment self serving as a loving guide for your self of the past. All this and more is possible.

The Importance of Honoring and Assisting Your Past Selves

As lightworkers, you have taken many steps on your spiritual path in recent years. You have progressed rapidly, so much so that in some cases it may feel as if your self of five years ago belongs to another lifetime entirely! It was important for you to move ahead rapidly, to take bold steps toward greater alignment with spirit. But as you grow, it is equally as important to honor and assist the architect and creator of your present moment. That is your past self. The fact that you are reading this says you are making efforts along your spiritual path. It also speaks to the efforts of your past self, which moved you toward the rapid spiritual growth you are now experiencing. Your past self set conscious intentions and began the process of allowing your highest good well before you became the consciousness that is your present-moment self.

Traveling in Consciousness to Meet a Past Self

The best times to approach a past self are times when this self is in nature, near water, or in quiet moments of contemplation, solitude and silence. Approach this self at the point where it began to open to the subtle energies of guides and angels. Your intuition will guide you to the place where your past self is most receptive to your energy. Enter the highest vibration you can access, then radiate a great light around you and include your past self in this light. It is possible to transmit thoughtforms in this communion. Your present moment can serve as a portal into the future, revealing a vision of the future to your past self. (This is one form of timeline bleedthrough).

Cultivating a Telepathic Communion with a Past Self

As your past self becomes more receptive to this communion, expanding in awareness to embrace it, you can become very telepathic in your communications.

Anytime you wish to do so, you can commune with your past self, expressing gratitude for its efforts, which allow you to exist as you do within your present moment. Offer words of encouragement to this self, letting it know it is on the right track with its efforts. Your past self needs to know the seeds it's planting are creating a future consciousness capable of traveling back to assist it. Let it know you are ready and available to assist in any way possible. Let it know that as it takes steps toward creating a higher future, you become more able to reach back to assist it.

Extending Love and Wholeness to Others

Traveling back to meet your past self will open doorways of possibility you have not yet imagined. This will awaken your past self to possibilities and open a time travel portal either of you can access at anytime. This inner communion opens doorways that give you a greater sense of self-love and wholeness. It is from this sense of love and wholeness that you are able to reach out to others and assist them with the same loving guidance you offer your past self. By holding this vibration of wholeness, you create an energetic field others can access in their own journey of self-realization.

Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Also see the guided meditation, Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks: A Soul Retrieval Journey

Posted on Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 12:26AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments1 Comment

Abundance and the Art of Reality Creation

Abundance and prosperity are frequencies in the universe. They are locations on the map of your consciousness. You can choose to tune into the frequency of abundance and prosperity just as you would tune into a radio station. In order to "tune in" the frequency of abundance and prosperity, you will need to practice the art of reality creation. Reality creation goes beyond manifesting, which focuses on bringing single objects and experiences into your physical reality.

Reality creation, by contrast, involves becoming the designer and architect of every aspect of your life. You are able to create entire realities by becoming the person who is capable of experiencing them. As you become an energetic match to the realities you prefer, situations, people, resources and objects  naturally manifest. It’s easy to see how reality creation from this perspective is painting on a much broader canvas than simple manifesting.

Challenges and the Path of Transformation

The move toward reality creation represents a major shift in perspective and intention with a generous helping of motivation thrown in. Often when things are flowing along on even keel, it's more challenging to find the desire and motivation for a major shift. More often, the needed motivation kicks in when challenges and difficulties rear their head. It is during challenging times that most people begin their journey on the path of transformation.

When a reality you don't want shows up in your life, that’s the perfect time to practice the art of transforming reality. Preferred realities don’t always generate sufficient desire and motivation for you to stretch your powers of reality transformation, whereas less desired realities tend to motivate you to reach beyond perceived limitations with fresh inspiration and enthusiasm.

Since financial challenges have been in the forefront recently, this makes the perfect testing ground for learning to wield your magic wand to transform scarcity into abundance.

Transforming Scarcity into Abundance and Prosperity

The first point of transformation is to understand you're not really transforming reality or "what is," but yourself. The identity you hold determines your field of possibilities and the realities you activate into your life. If you're not sure whether your identity is one of scarcity or abundance, become a detective in your own life, observing and making notes on things you habitually say, do and feel around the issue of
money. If you find yourself constantly saying you can't afford things or that you’re "broke," or "poor," this is an indicator you have some degree of scarcity consciousness. Beliefs about scarcity often are passed from one's family and are therefore deeply ingrained.

It’s difficult to manifest any significant amount of abundance when your thoughts are holding onto lack in any way. While you may speak affirmations to the contrary and create positive visions of what you wish to manifest, these efforts won’t succeed if underneath the surface you’re playing old tapes attuned to the frequency of lack. These tapes are often created early in life. In fact, if you’re experiencing lack in any way, there are likely moments you can trace back to your childhood where you received programming that implied you are not worthy of having what you dream of. This is not saying you are a victim in any sense. When a spirit chooses the condition of unworthiness from the shopping list of available life experiences, this choice is made from a need at the soul level to learn the inherent worth of all beings. Maybe you have come to accept your own inherent worth, but your inner child of the past is still confused and feeling unworthy. This is enough to keep you from experiencing abundance in your present moment.

Seeing the World through the Lens of Abundance

When you see the world through the lens of abundance, there is always plenty, always more than enough. In your most abundant state, you are able to telepathically commune with your higher self, your guides and angels. You understand that when you set about to bring the visions you receive from your higher self into physical reality, resources flow to help manifest that reality. Life force energy flows in great abundance, as does joy and love and happiness.

Excerpt from Abundance Magic: 44 Steps to Manifesting the Future of Your Dreams by DL Zeta

Posted on Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 02:31PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment