Book of Channelings
By Peter Phalam
Sunday Morning with St. Germain
& Merlin’s Angelic Radio Network

This 40-page ebook contains Peter's collected channelings. $10 automatic delivery
Channelings Include:
* Holographic Inserts within the Karmic Matrix* The Merkabah Star Gate & Mitochondrial DNA
* Scientific Teleportation Makes Bi-Location Metamorphosis Possible
* Releasing Your Addictive Links to Mass Consciousness
* How to Counteract HAARP Waves, Oxygen Deprivation and Free Radicals
* Eating Alkaline Foods to Light-in Your Body
* The DaVinci Codes and the Conscious Apocolypse *Emotional Freedom Leads to Unconditional Love
*Starseeds Must Love Themselves to Experience Self-Realization
*Creating a Cosmic Plan Foils Illuminati’s Collective Consciousness “Traps”
*Nibiru and Harmonic Conversions Help Planets Heal
*The Importance of Aligning Free Will with Divine Will
* A Creator God Addresses Earth Changes
& More
Excerpt from Peter's Book of Channelings:
Sunday Morning with St. Germain
Holographic Inserts within the Karmic Matrix
Good Morning Dear Ones, for you to find faith in yourself, you must look underneath a heartbeat. This is a way of saying we take many things for granted in life, assuming they will be there. True faith is within those things, like the breath, because they have faith in you. It is when we truly honor the simple, humble things that give us being that we begin to ascend. Why does a being suddenly faced with their own mortality walk slowly through every moment? With a short time to live, every minute expands into an eternity. This is because they know their soul will be viewed in full light before all the hosts of heaven. I tell you these things because of the changes at hand.
These changes are designed to bring greater vision. This vision is necessary as the 'Karmic Matrix' is about to go through reformation. The species of time/space continuum being employed is known as 'Divine Intervention' This occurs through a series of 'Holographic Inserts'. The metaphor I'll use is what you call bobbing for apples. This is the phenomenon of grasping an apple with your teeth as it floats in a water barrel. What occurs is the immersion of your head into the water and using the resistance of the water below the surface to secure the apple in your mouth. The water that is displaced, the rippling effect, the dowsing of the third eye chakra and the childlike playfulness associated with the activity creates the insert. We are going to bob some apples ourselves as energetic shifts now allow us a very special privilege. They open portals and small vortexes that have been veiled, if you will, part of the veil of ignorance.
Part of the 'Divine Intervention' matrix allows ascended masters and Archangels to shape-shift the merkabah into human form so we can walk amongst you and this is why I wish for you to have faith in the simple things that give you life. For in all likelihood, if I was to be at your side in these days, you might not recognize me unless you learned to walk a mile within a step. You would only know me by the shift in vibration and what all of you fail at more than anything else is sensing vibrational shifts. You are all so used to going in and out of body and diligently working on your grounding process that harmonic differences pass you by.
Suffice to say, I would be a stranger amongst you unless your intuition spotted me. In this 'Divine Intervention' we bob the apple to displace the time/space continuum, for we come with an entourage so to speak. Long before you see me, you will see the angels that surround me. The holographic insert is nothing more than a temporal dimensional insertion where, for a period of time, the relevance of truth in what is going on is juxtaposed into a semi-dream state or alternative reality. This is so that those who are intuitively aware experience one set of realities while the mass of mediocrity continues to be intimidated by the growing auspices of terrorism, climatic changes, and now I understand throwing your tube of toothpaste in a trash can so you can board a plane. Chaos is quite humorous to us, for it totally lacks reason or spiritual intent. You see in this experiment it is merely a matter of how much you allow this illusion to consume you.
We are going to make it easy for those who have done the work and have enough peace within themselves to see us. We will be ordaining if you will, a number of you, originally designated as the 144,000, but that was at the time of Sananda's last incarnation and the number has grown. For this, we are grateful. This ordination is the physical removal of the 'veil of ignorance' you all possess. What is common to this human experiment is this veiling of the soul so you would not out pace the human race and be effective teachers for them. Now it is time for us to bring out as many teachers as we can so that when other veils begin to disintegrate, there is a place for that soul to go. So back to my original premise, how will you know when this is happening? You will react as if you know you have a shorter time on this plane and begin to value every moment. Namaste