Stand Strong in Love as the Shadow Hastens

We are at a transition point when energies of the new time are strengthening inside future moments. Realities crystallizing in not-too-distant future timeframes are created from increasingly different templates. These templates are infused with greater frequencies of love, peace, harmony and compassion.

Increasing numbers of souls are awakening thanks to these powerful transformative energies. The other side of this is that the energies are also triggering tidal waves of resistance. We can expect in coming weeks and months to see waves of higher energy clashing with denser energies, much like two storm fronts meeting in the atmosphere

Higher Energies trigger Love and Resistance

Increasing numbers of souls are waking up and starting to anchor and incorporate the higher frequencies now accessible on the earth plane. As new energies ramp up, new levels of awareness flow in. In some this influx of light evokes fear. It is this fear that sets darker events into motion. In coming months, shifting energies will give rise to increasingly dramatic events on the world's stage. In areas where ongoing tensions lie, there will be an escalation. Even relatively calm areas will experience spikes of tension and resistance at times.

We are at a transition point when energies of the new time are strengthening inside future moments. Energies of the new time send out vibrational waves in all directions. As these waves approach our present moment, we respond to these energies individually and collectively according to our current level of spiritual understanding. As these energies interact with the prevailing frequencies of this timeframe, some will enter new levels of seeing with spiritual and psychic openings and acceleration of their spiritual path. Others will meet these new energies with resistance. Wherever there is resistance, there will be violence, war and disease.

Stand Strong in Unconditional Love

It is important to stand strong in a place of unconditional love no matter what transpires moving forward. At times you may feel yourself being pulled into the vortex of unfolding events. You may feel overwhelmed and lapse to sleep during these times - literally in some cases. Adrenal fatigue is common in those who allow themselves to be pulled too strongly into third-dimensional events. Some events will be painful to witness as greater frequencies of light in parallel quadrants hasten or quicken the shadow in quadrants still lingering in frequencies of un-love.

Those who volunteered to incarnate to this timeframe understand at the soul level the magnitude of the task they signed on for. Even so, at the conscious level, there is no way to prepare for the levels of cruelty and darkness now manifesting. We have seen waves of intense darkness and cruelty rise up in recent times and this will intensify moving forward.

It is essential to remain in a place of love. Love is the strongest force on earth. When we remember we are love, we stand strong in the power of love. Love is the transformation point to the violent images now coming to us from the world’s stage.

Send Love to All Life Forms

This is not a matter of judgment. Each soul travels its own journey to love. Each soul goes through various phases of learning and expansion. Those souls playing the darkest roles in this dream of life are also on a journey to love. They are presently exploring a painful location on the spectrum of human experience. Those who bear witness to their journey are afforded the opportunity to visit and embrace their own shadow and to reaffirm their journey to a greater experience of the love that they are.

Even those who embrace ongoing waves of transition are finding this doesn't guarantee a smooth transition into the new time. Anything that is incomplete, denied, pushed back or trapped in emotional trauma will cry out for release as the shadow hastens. Use this time to home in on any aspect within your consciousness that needs your assistance. Join with others in consciousness and send love to all life forms. Everywhere in every part of the world are those who hold the earth in their awareness and send love to all beings. Join with them and send love to all forms of life, including animals, plants and minerals.

Holding every situation that comes before you in the highest light allows you to merge into the ocean of higher consciousness. This ocean is vast; it embraces every soul and every journey toward love. If you allow yourself to fall into the drama unfolding around you and on the world's stage, you will be of no use to yourself or to others. Stay focused on love and join with many in consciousness who are sending love to the planet and all its inhabitants during this transition time.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, August 29, 2014 at 06:14PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments Off

Spirit Journeys to Future Timelines

Our consciousness is not limited to physical reality. Lightworkers have known this for some time and we are still finding new horizons for exploring the potentials of spirit travels. The energies now make it easier than ever before to travel time and dimensions to facilitate healing and make expanded realities more accessible to others.

As shamans of the new time, lightworkers are able to undertake spirit journeys by entering a meditative trance state and traveling through the doorway of the imagination. The information from these journeys in consciousness has the power to transform the spirit traveler at all levels. Sometimes these journeys yield gifts the traveler shares with the world. A single image shared from a spirit journey can open doorways for many.

Stepping beyond Time and Physical-Based Realities

We are able to undertake spirit journeys when we step beyond time and physical-based realities. While journeying in consciousness, we can track the threads of visions and intentions to the life tracks where they are realized. Once this connection is made, we are able to ask our ‘selves’ residing along those life tracks to teach us the steps to activate them. Through spirit journeys, we are able perceive and activate timelines where the seeds of our visions are nurtured in the rich soil of our subconscious and loved into being by the bright sun of our highest intentions.
Traveling the Energetic Thread of a Vision

Working with the imagination is essential to journeying in consciousness. It is through the doorway of the imagination that dreams and visions are downloaded to us. When we receive an image that excites us at all levels we can learn more about it by entering a meditative state, becoming deeply relaxed, and releasing our hold on the world. From this state, we can follow the energetic thread of our vision to the location in consciousness where it is realized. Traveling energetic threads is a skill you can practice as you go about your daily life. For example, when you go for a walk in nature you can pick up on the essence of various life forms. Every life form, be it animal, plant, or mineral, emits a spark that contains an energetic signature.
The energetic signature of a hibiscus flower is different from a magnolia tree, a stone, a bird or a lizard. Practice feeling the energetic currents within all living things. Expand your awareness to sense the energetic threads that arc from tree to tree. Close your eyes and follow the arcs in your mind’s eye.

Exploring Life Tracks where Visions are Realized

Once you have tuned into the frequency of life forms in your environment, you are ready to follow the energetic threads that spin off your thoughts, beliefs, visions and desires. You are able to track these threads into the future to see where they will take you. If, for example, you hold the vision to use your intuitive gifts to help others, find the golden thread of this vision extending from your present moment into the future and follow it.

Allow your imagination to take you on a journey to life tracks where this vision is realized. Images of moments and milestones will unfold, offering glimpses of the realities that reside along the path of this thread. When you make a practice of journeying in consciousness you will find you are able to track the energetic signature of all your dreams and intentions. This allows you to clarify and fine-tune them before they crystallize into physical reality.

The Future Seeds itself within a Past Moment

Sometimes visions reveal the steps you will follow to create something new. This might be a soul mate relationship, a book, a work of art, or an invention - the possibilities are limitless. In some cases and especially with creations of greater complexity and magnitude, you may need to pay numerous visits to the life track where your vision is realized in order to learn the steps of its creation. This is one example of the future seeding itself inside a past moment. Time is a mental construct that does not exist in the higher dimensions. All of these moments - past, present and future - are occurring simultaneously in one eternal moment. When we look through this window, it's easy to see how simultaneous moments enable timeline "bleedthroughs" via frequency and resonance.

Establishing an Energetic Connection with Future Timelines

Returning to our creation process, if your imagination brings you an image of a reality where you have developed a unique healing technique, sit with this vision and hold it in awareness. Feel the energy of it and set your intention to follow the thread of this vision to the location in consciousness where it is realized. Imagine this golden thread extending through time, into the future. You may receive actual visions of this reality or you may experience it as a feeling state.

Ask your Future Self to Download the Steps to Realizing your Visions

You can speak to your future self - the version of yourself that resides inside this timeline - and ask this self to download to you the steps you took to arrive at this life track where your vision is realized. You may see images of actual steps or you may simply be guided within the moment by your intuition to make the decisions and choices that will bring you to this life track.
Let whatever happens on your spirit journeys be perfect for you. Sometimes all you need to accomplish initially is to establish an energetic connection with the location in consciousness where a vision, creation or intention is realized. Once you find this location, you can return here as often as you want, immersing yourself in the energies and feeling states of this space.
©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Spirit Journeys to Future Timelines

Our consciousness is not limited to physical reality. Lightworkers have known this for some time and we are still finding new horizons for exploring the potentials of spirit travels. The energies now make it easier than ever before to travel time and dimensions to facilitate healing and make expanded realities more accessible to others.
As shamans of the new time, lightworkers are able to undertake spirit journeys by entering a meditative trance state and traveling through the doorway of the imagination. The information from these journeys in consciousness has the power to transform the spirit traveler at all levels. Sometimes these journeys yield gifts the traveler shares with the world. A single image shared from a spirit journey can open doorways for many.
Stepping beyond Time and Physical-Based Realities
We are able to undertake spirit journeys when we step beyond time and physical-based realities. While journeying in consciousness, we can track the threads of visions and intentions to the life tracks where they are realized. Once this connection is made, we are able to ask our ‘selves’ residing along those life tracks to teach us the steps to activate them. Through spirit journeys, we are able perceive and activate timelines where the seeds of our visions are nurtured in the rich soil of our subconscious and loved into being by the bright sun of our highest intentions.
Traveling the Energetic Thread of a Vision
Working with the imagination is essential to journeying in consciousness. It is through the doorway of the imagination that dreams and visions are downloaded to us. When we receive an image that excites us at all levels we can learn more about it by entering a meditative state, becoming deeply relaxed, and releasing our hold on the world. From this state, we can follow the energetic thread of our vision to the location in consciousness where it is realized. Traveling energetic threads is a skill you can practice as you go about your daily life. For example, when you go for a walk in nature you can pick up on the essence of various life forms. Every life form, be it animal, plant, or mineral, emits a spark that contains an energetic signature.
The energetic signature of a hibiscus flower is different from a magnolia tree, a stone, a bird or a lizard. Practice feeling the energetic currents within all living things. Expand your awareness to sense the energetic threads that arc from tree to tree. Close your eyes and follow the arcs in your mind’s eye.
Exploring Life Tracks where Visions are Realized
Once you have tuned into the frequency of life forms in your environment, you are ready to follow the energetic threads that spin off your thoughts, beliefs, visions and desires. You are able to track these threads into the future to see where they will take you. If, for example, you hold the vision to use your intuitive gifts to help others, find the golden thread of this vision extending from your present moment into the future and follow it.
Allow your imagination to take you on a journey to life tracks where this vision is realized. Images of moments and milestones will unfold, offering glimpses of the realities that reside along the path of this thread. When you make a practice of journeying in consciousness you will find you are able to track the energetic signature of all your dreams and intentions. This allows you to clarify and fine-tune them before they crystallize into physical reality.
The Future Seeds itself within a Past Moment
Sometimes visions reveal the steps you will follow to create something new. This might be a soul mate relationship, a book, a work of art, or an invention - the possibilities are limitless. In some cases and especially with creations of greater complexity and magnitude, you may need to pay numerous visits to the life track where your vision is realized in order to learn the steps of its creation. This is one example of the future seeding itself inside a past moment. Time is a mental construct that does not exist in the higher dimensions. All of these moments - past, present and future - are occurring simultaneously in one eternal moment. When we look through this window, it's easy to see how simultaneous moments enable timeline "bleedthroughs" via frequency and resonance.
Establishing an Energetic Connection with Future Timelines
Returning to our creation process, if your imagination brings you an image of a reality where you have developed a unique healing technique, sit with this vision and hold it in awareness. Feel the energy of it and set your intention to follow the thread of this vision to the location in consciousness where it is realized. Imagine this golden thread extending through time, into the future. You may receive actual visions of this reality or you may experience it as a feeling state.
Ask your Future Self to Download the Steps to Realizing your Visions
You can speak to your future self - the version of yourself that resides inside this timeline - and ask this self to download to you the steps you took to arrive at this life track where your vision is realized. You may see images of actual steps or you may simply be guided within the moment by your intuition to make the decisions and choices that will bring you to this life track.
Let whatever happens on your spirit journeys be perfect for you. Sometimes all you need to accomplish initially is to establish an energetic connection with the location in consciousness where a vision, creation or intention is realized. Once you find this location, you can return here as often as you want, immersing yourself in the energies and feeling states of this space.
©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

Posted on Monday, August 18, 2014 at 04:17PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments Off

Merging with Peace and Oneness in Dimensions beyond Words and Time

"Ego is no more than this: identification with form, which primarily means thoughtforms." -- Eckhart Tolle

As we move further into the new time, more souls are stepping past limiting identities that previously held them to lower-vibrational timelines. The transformative energies of the new time have the power to carry us into deeper waters of consciousness beyond realms of thought. These inner dimensions exist beyond thought-based constructs such as time. Inside these dimensions we experience ourselves as more than an endless stream of words flowing through our minds. Here, our awareness expands beyond the world of form, allowing us to step past limiting identities, beliefs and thoughtforms.

Merging with the Peace, Oneness and Wisdom of our Soul

Inside this dimension we experience oneness and communion with source energies. Here we gain awareness of the multidimensional nature of our soul. Immersing ourselves in these energies helps bring awareness of our parallel lives occurring simultaneously. This immersion allows us to see the interconnectedness of all things and the spiritual intelligence underlying all physical realities. Here we are able to receive intuitive guidance about any question or issue we are working with. In this state of direct communion, we exist in a peaceful, joyful state. By daily entering this dimension, we merge our physical world with the peace, oneness and wisdom of our soul.

The Dimension beyond Thoughts is our Natural State

This dimension beyond thoughts is a natural state for us. Old programming and thought viruses have separated human consciousness from this natural state at times. This state of inner separation is the wellspring of all separation we see in the outer world. A house/mind divided against itself fosters realities steeped in separation that lead to violence and war. The frequencies of the new time are moving consciousness past this separation and toward reunification with our natural state.Those who heal the separation within themselves are able to help heal the destructive divisiveness that exists in the world.

Releasing Over-Identification with our Thoughts

Regularly immersing ourselves in the dimension beyond thought liberates us from over-involvement with the physical world. It keeps us from being over-identified with our stream of thought. Over-identifying with our thoughts gives way to compulsive and addictive thinking. We may identify with our thoughts to the point that we lose the sense of who we are apart from them. We may not know who we are apart from thought-based aspects of identity.

If one loses touch with their natural state, they begin to derive identity solely from relationships, the physical body, thoughts and memories, race, religion, gender and other roles. When we move away from such strongholds of identity, we are able to shift to a new identity that incorporates the infinite, limitless nature of our being. This new identity is derived from the awareness that exists in the background our minds.

Time Disappears in the Space beyond Words

When we enter this place beyond words, time and other constructs of thought disappear. Since there are no thoughts here, we are beyond the grasping tentacles of thought viruses. Inside this realm we experience the real love we are seeking behind every third-dimensional reality we construct. There's no need to look further.

Inside this space, we are aware that we are one with all-that-is. We are aware that we are infinite, limitless and loved. Each time we enter this space we energize and activate these frequencies within our energy field. These frequencies are always within us; they are always a part of us. When we bring our focus to them, we strengthen our experience of them. This allows us to manifest physical realities infused with the energies of the space beyond words.

Connecting with the Essence of what we Seek to Manifest

Inside this space we can connect with the essence of whatever we seek to energize in our physical reality. We can enter this dimension beyond words and time with the intention to connect with subtle energies that contain the essence of that which we seek to manifest.

An example might be the essence of a book, a work of art, a relationship, body of knowledge, or an invention. There are an infinite number of potentials. Many creations, inventions and gifts to the world have arrived through the doorway of someone's soul travels beyond words and time.

Re-Centering Daily in the Dimension beyond Words

While the dimension beyond words is a part of us, your experience of this inner space may at times be hindered if you have been strongly embedded in thought and physical-based realities. It is helpful to make a daily practice of re-centering yourself in your eternal and timeless nature.

You may find it helpful to use some simple techniques to energize your experience of the dimension beyond time. Our vehicle might be transcendental meditation, binaural beat technology, relaxation training, dream work, automatic writing, channeling, or candle gazing. The possibilities are infinite. Whatever carries you into this space is your perfect vehicle to strengthen your experience of the space beyond words and time.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, August 9, 2014 at 03:58PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments Off

Posted on Saturday, August 2, 2014 at 03:41PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments Off