Vivid Dreams may Come: the Magic and Power of April's Eclipse Series 

We're at the threshold of the most powerful energetic phase of 2014. This is a crossroads of major change and a moment to infuse your creations - your most deeply-held dreams and visions - with some of the most profound energies in the universe. We make the most of this time by going within, growing still, focusing our minds and letting our hearts and minds soar on the wings of these energies.

This week's lunar eclipse is the first wave of energies that will follow a three-step unfoldment:

The first part of this unfoldment is the April 15 lunar eclipse at 25 degrees Libra. Part two is the Cardinal Grand Cross which peaks April 21-23. Part three is the April 29th new moon solar eclipse at 8 degrees Taurus.

The April 15 eclipse takes place at 25° and 60 minutes of Libra opposite the sun in Aries. This April eclipse series will intensely affect those with birthdays between April 15 to April 29, as well as those with personal planets and points in proximity of the cardinal signs Cancer, Aries, Libra and Capricorn. The April 15 eclipse will likely culminate in a situation or see the ending of a relationship. You may find yourself receiving guidance on relationships of all kinds now. This is a time to clearly communicate and to make any changes that are needed.

Joining the Festival of Love Meditation on the Inner Planes

The April 15 lunar eclipse, which takes place at 7:45 UTC, coincides with the worldwide Festival of Love meditation. The Festival of Love takes place each year during the full moon and sun in Aries. During this time, energies of divine love and light are at a peak and can be registered by a group and radiated into human consciousness.

The April 29 solar eclipse occurs at 8 degrees and 52 minutes Taurus, strongly affecting those with personal planets and points in proximity to the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The April 29 eclipse sets in motion a new trend that will be with us long term.

A Cardinal Grand Cross Ramps up April's Eclipse Energies

With the fifth of seven exact squares to Uranus and Pluto taking place from April 21-23, the intensity of the April eclipses is ramped up. At times you may feel yourself pulled in all directions at once. You may have the sense that old identities are falling away, de-magnetizing many things in your life. You may feel the need now to minimize baggage in your life. The universe is asking you to release all that doesn't serve your higher self and open more fully to that which spiritually empowers you.

This is a time rife with challenge and opportunity. It is a time when we need to ground ourselves. It is a time to meditate and open our mind to new downloads and visions. It is a time to focus our intentions and formulate prayers based on the downloads we receive.

Dreams bring Glimpses of other Times and Dimensions

During this time our dreams may be filled with unfamiliar people and places as the veils between dimensions thin and we receive glimpses of other timelines. Some of these represent potentials crystallizing in our future while others direct us to areas of our consciousness that need our assistance to bring about healing and release. Some of the dreams may bring glimpses of past life selves that are influencing our present moment. This is a time when our dreams and visions run far and deep. We may recognize people in our lives now who are friends from other times and places. We may gain a sense of how other times and other places are influencing our present moment and how future times and places are reaching back to guide and assist us as we go about seeding change that will flower inside future times.

April's Energies help us Break Free of Parasitic Energies

With so much change on the wind, now is not the time to allow ourselves to dwell on past hurts and injustices. Whatever we bring our attention to expands exponentially. Focus on what you want rather than what you don't want. Bless and forgive those who have treated you unfairly. Pay attention to where you place your energy. You'll be able to clearly see thought viruses and people operating from parasitic perspectives in your life now. This is a time for breaking ties with all forms of parasitic energy. You will gain clarity now about any way in which you have fed energy to thoughts of scarcity and victimhood, manifesting illness, trauma and lack in your life. It is time to release all investment in disempowering thought forms.

Navigating April's Powerful Energies

This is a time to build your highest vision. See yourself as a spiritually-empowered being stepping into the next phase of your mission to heal yourself and assist others in their awakening process. It is time to step into the full acceptance of your role in helping birth the new time on planet Earth.

During this time you may find it helpful to eat healthy, journal, channel, try your hand at automatic writing, work with dreams, practice yoga and Tai Chi, write poetry, play music, paint or draw, go on vision quests into nature and get lots of sleep and exercise. This is the time to give voice to that which is great within you. This is the moment to embrace your identity as a spiritually-empowered divine being.

In coming weeks you may at times feel you are undergoing a death of sorts and in a sense you are. The old way is dying to the new. What passes away from your life now will help fuel the fires of future transformation. Moments from the past may surface to be acknowledged and released. Remember every obstacle and challenge you encounter holds the power to awaken new levels of connection with your higher self.

Eclipses have a tendency to expose truths and clear away that which no longer serves a higher purpose in your life. Wholesale, unexpected change will accompany this period of upheaval.

The energy of these alignments is building now. You are already experiencing it in various ways in your life depending on how the configurations land in your astrology chart. The energy is building toward a climax at the end of the month and then will subside moving forward. During this time there is the potential for profound shifts at the personal and collective levels. We stand at a moment that will change the course of everything that comes after.

Understanding Personal Influences of the April 15 Lunar Eclipse

You can get some idea of the areas of your life that will be most affected by the April 15 eclipse by looking to see where 25 degrees Libra falls in your astrology chart. When an eclipse falls close to one of your personal planets, this is significant for you. The closer the eclipse is to one of your planets, the more profound the influence. The most powerful impact is felt when an eclipse lands on your Sun (birthday) or close to it. The Sun rules your identity, your sense of self as well as your health and well-being. It is not uncommon to begin to adopt a new focus self during this time. A focus self is the aspect of your being that is in charge of your conscious existence.

It is also significant if an eclipse lands on your Moon or any other planet in your chart. It is also important if an eclipse lands on your Ascendant or Midheaven. The nature of the planet or aspect where the eclipse falls, as well as the house position, reveals the area of your life that is likely to be most affected by the eclipse. In other words, examining the area of your chart most affected by an eclipse can reveal the part of your life that is due for change.

The full moon lunar eclipse passing through Libra emphasizes relationships of all kinds. This eclipse will help us see things more clearly. Coming to the forefront will be issues associated with emotions, security needs and habits and patterns. As you thread through these issues, you may find yourself shifting to a new timeline altogether. Eclipses always call for change and in some cases it is change that is long overdue. Major change often happens when eclipses shake us out of old patterns and clear away parts of our lives that are no longer working. These changes clear the way for new people, events and ideas to enter our life. Usually these are changes that have been crystalizing in the ethers for awhile, waiting for divine timing to usher them into our physical reality. If you see people and circumstances leaving your life now, remain in a peaceful place knowing the new is on its way. Balance and harmony are traits that are especially important to cultivate during a lunar eclipse.

The April 15 eclipse draws to close a cycle that has been with us over the past 19 years. A look back over the past 19 years can being insight to the nature of the cycle now ending and shed light on the new cycle and timeline now emerging.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

To learn more about navigating the April 15 Lunar Eclipse, see Celestial Weather by Deborah

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta


Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 11:27PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment | References5 References

Traveling Time and Dimensions to Transform your Life 

We are free at any moment to accelerate our growth by traveling time and dimensions. When we still our mind and align ourselves with higher dimensions, we are able to perceive portals in consciousness that allow us to visit any location in the universe. Through intention, spiritual connection and vibrational resonance all is possible.

A Still Mind is the Access Point to Other Dimensions

The first step to accessing other dimensions is stilling your mind. A busy mind churns out endless streams of thoughts that serve as anchors to third-dimensional reality. It is one of the great ironies of human existence that we rush here and there looking for something, trying to achieve something. When we are anchored into third-dimensional reality our spirit is enslaved by our busy mind, making it impossible for us to recognize the very thing we’re looking for. When we slow down and listen to the whispers of our spirit, we find what we’re looking for in the spaces between our busy, linear thoughts. The more we focus on these spaces, the more they expand. Soon they become large enough to provide passage into universal mind.

Inside universal mind we are able to travel to any time or place to find the answers to our questions and so much more. Here we are able to download the templates for new ideas, new books, new works of art, and new inventions. Everything is accessible to us within the moment when we remember to slow down, still our minds and travel meridians of silence into universal mind.

When we still our minds we open a space to expand into silence. Our higher self flows into this space and our vibration enters resonance with higher dimensions. Inside these higher frequencies, we are able to step free of linear time and travel into other dimensions. As we travel meridians in higher consciousness, we pull more of this energy into our daily life. This transforms our experience, allowing us to see every moment through the lens of love, peace and abundance.

You are the Most Enlightened Self in your Present Lifetime

You are the most aware, intuitive and enlightened self thus far in your present lifetime. As such, it is your job and your privilege to serve as the higher self for all your selves throughout the course of this lifetime. You are a beacon of healing light capable of assisting and entraining other aspects toward their journey into the new time where peace, joy, love and opportunities to higher service abound. The opportunities before you now are remarkable and profound. The challenges you are approaching may seem overwhelming but these quickly dissolve as you reach into your storehouse of higher knowledge and wisdom.

Traveling Time and Dimensions Heals us and Sets us Free

There are many reasons one might why choose to travel time and dimensions. Just thinking about traveling to other dimensions within our own consciousness helps unroot us from linear reality. When we become hypnotized by the third-dimensional world, we develop beliefs that tell us physical reality is all there is. This limited perspective tells us we must cultivate a linear movement through space and time in order to live our dreams. These beliefs are enslaving and unnecessary.

When we allow ourselves to step off the endless wheel of suffering that linear thinking binds us to, we find ourselves in the void state of no-thingness. Few people remain here for very long. When we exist in the void, we come face to face with ourselves. We see every facet of ourselves and experience the texture of our own mind. Our fears gather around us like lost children. The void is not always a comfortable place but healing and renewal take hold if we remain here long enough.

When we’re willing to sit with the silence of the void, we soon find silence is not empty at all. It contains the lifeblood of what we are; that is, the essence of spirit. The void is a portal into universal mind. As such, it allows us access to other timeframes and other dimensions.

The Quantum Synergy of Encountering an Alternate Self

We might choose to time travel to the past to release a moment where our self of that time experienced a difficult or traumatic event that still reverberates through our present moment. If your past self is awake and aware, it may sense the loving presence of a future self. This recognition can trigger spiritual awakenings. When the self encounters a version of itself from another timeframe, a synergy is created that unleashes a wave of quantum expansion throughout the entire history of our soul. Every cell of our being vibrates throughout what we think of as time. This is the moment when we connect the dots – the moment when all our “selves” in this lifetime and others hold hands in quantum inner unification. This experience is a precursor to ascension and a moment of celebration within the higher realms.

It is not necessary for your past self to be aware of your presence for healing to take place. Your present-moment decision to travel to a past timeframe sets up a gridwork of healing light your past self is able to step into.

In order to travel time to assist a past self, first set the intention to travel back to a moment in time that needs healing and release. This is a moment you are still holding energy around. Trapped emotional energy is energy that is not available for use in your present creations. More importantly, trapped emotions tether you to past traumas and keep pulling you back into them periodically in order to provide further opportunities for healing and release. You don’t have to wait for these traumatic reruns to cycle back around, however. Instead, you can proactively choose to visit these moments and bring about the healing and release that is needed.

Once you set an intention, connect with the thoughts/feelings/images of the past moment you wish to visit in consciousness. Allow the moment to play on the movie screen of your mind. If it helps you connect with the energy of the past situation, try some simple techniques such as journaling about the past situation to; play music that connects you with that time, hold objects from that time or look at photographs. Whatever helps you establish a strong emotional connection with that timeframe works. It is important to connect with the feeling state without allowing yourself to be pulled into it. Once you connect with the feeling state of a past moment, hold it in consciousness and enter a meditative space. Whatever method you normally use to download spiritual energy and information is fine. If you are new to this, enter a meditative space by stilling your thoughts and focusing on the in-breath and the out-breath. You may also chant om (sounds like aum) until you feel yourself enter an altered state. The act of bringing a traumatized past self into a vibrationally high space helps you love your past into its natural state of divine perfection. Remain in a meditative state for as long as you can. Open to the waves of love coming back to you and reverberating throughout your consciousness.

Traveling Time to anchor Future ‘Outposts’

Just as you are able to reach back and bring healing and release to a past self, you are able to travel to a future moment to set up an “outpost” or footprint to anchor your intentions. This is a technique that can be used for numerous purposes. For example, it can be used to send energy and love to yourself inside a near-future moment where you are undertaking a challenging task such as speaking before a group or believing in yourself as you undertake a new venture into the unknown. This technique can also be used to set down a footprint inside a future moment, programming it to entrain and communicate with your past and present. A future footprint serves as a homing signal in a sense. The homing signal broadcasts the steps that extend backward from the future timeline you wish to experience to your present moment. Such a homing signal can be instrumental in anchoring a future moment where your book is published and on the shelves of bookstores; where you are uniting with a soulmate in physical reality; or where you are experiencing health and wholeness after an illness. The uses for future outposts are only limited by your imagination. They can prove helpful in relocating, launching a business, carrying out your spiritual mission, assisting others to align with their higher vision and well-being and much more. Future outposts can even help with more mundane tasks such as locating lost items or choosing divine timing for a future event.

Your Inner Temple as Doorway to Interdimensional Travel

You may choose to transform your daily life through regular infusions of higher energy. Each time you immerse your consciousness in the energy of higher realms, you infuse more of these energies into your daily life. One way to do this is to establish an etheric home in the form of an inner temple. See your inner temple in whatever way is most uplifting to you. It can be a cottage in the mountains, a beach house looking out over the ocean or a palace in the desert. Whatever works best for you is perfect. Allow your imagination to fill in the details over time.

Set up your inner temple in the highest realm you're able to access within your present moment. Each time you visit your inner temple your energies becomes supercharged. The energies here allow you quick and easy access to a nurturing space any time you need it. You can zip back to your inner temple during your lunch hour, while standing in a grocery check-out line or when stuck in traffic. This is a space where you can receive guidance, visions, lucid dreams, and templates for new creations. It is from this space that you're able to launch journeys to other dimensions. Beings from other dimensions (including our future selves and other beings from Earth’s future time planes) have long traversed interdimensional grids. The true space ship is our higher consciousness. Cultivating this connection allows us many new forms of inner travel that will carry us individually and collectively into a new time of greatly expanded potentials.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta


Posted on Friday, April 4, 2014 at 09:26PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments1 Comment | References61 References

Equinox Gateway accelerates our Emergence into New Dimensions 

This week’s equinox gateway opens the floodgates for new light waves that will facilitate our entry into further dimensions of the new time. Lightworkers and other wayshowers are being called to amplify and anchor these new frequencies, making them more accessible to collective consciousness. These frequencies and others that will follow in coming weeks and months will hasten our emergence into new levels of peace, harmony and understanding that are signposts of the new time.

Wayshowers during this time will hold a space that offers safe passage through the sometimes bouyant and sometimes turbulent waters that will accompany this period.

As we open to new dimensions of light individually and collectively we experience new levels of healing and release and learn to harmonize with these frequencies. As we move deeper into this passage, old structures collapse around us and the world we have known begins to seem less solid. At times we have the sense of shifting to new timelines where we are experiencing greater communion and telepathy with our higher self. Guidance and insights may flash through our awareness with light speed. That which we seek may arrive as fast as we formulate an intention. We may encounter new souls with whom we forge deep and enduring connections.

Our communion with our higher self brings crystal clarity to our earthly mission and provides the energies we need to heal ourselves at all levels. That which is not whole in our experience falls away as we jettison misunderstandings and emotional triggers and pull aside the last veils obscuring the truth of who we are.

This is not a time to be running here and there and engaging in busy mind. This phase commands a clear and present focus that allows us to incorporate new levels of stillness. Join others in meditation at the hour of the equinox (16:57 UTC) and continue to take part in the many ongoing meditations on the inner planes over the next few months.

We offer here some steps to help assimilate the new light frequencies as you move through this time:

1) Bring all aspects of your consciousness into harmony. Be willing to listen to younger aspects in need of healing and to serve as the higher self to your repertoire of younger selves from this lifetime.

2) Become mindful of emotional triggers by bringing clarity to issues from the past you are still holding energy around. Awareness and a willingness to see yourself from a perspective of peaceful non-judgment helps bring emotional freedom.

3) Set intentions to harmonize and assimilate new frequencies of light. Create affirmations aligning yourself with the oneness of source energies.

4) Remain mindful of the influence of your words, thoughts and actions. Exist in a place of love and compassion and your thoughts will silently broadcast this to all you meet.

5) When faced with conscious choices, choose that which serves your movement into higher consciousness. Reaching for the highest place you can access within the moment allows you to become a brighter light for others.

6) Accept that whatever experiences others are having are the experiences they need within the moment. Hold in awareness that the new frequencies act on each individual as needed to assist them along their path.

7) Remain calm and focused during this time even if your ego is resisting the changes. Ask for and open to receive infusions of healing light from your higher self as needed.

8) Affirm that you are abundant in every way and that guidance, resources, assistance and love are downloaded to you as needed throughout this passage. Affirm that you deserve the highest and best the universe has to offer.

9) Alkalinize and detoxify your body through green juice “feasts” during this time so you can hold and anchor greater quantities of light.

10) Spend as much time as possible in nature, harmonizing with the energies there. If possible, meditate near bodies of water. This helps you align with the natural flow of the universe.

11) Meditate as often as you can even if for only short pockets of time as you go about your day. This helps you harmonize with your higher self and the new frequencies.

12) Allow yourself to become comfortable with silence. Take a break from Internet, TV and cell phones.

13) Remain in gratitude for the blessings in your life, especially the most challenging situations you have experienced and those who have been your most difficult teachers. Express gratitude for all the blessings that are currently flowing into your life.

14) Listen to your body and be sure to provide the healing foods, alkaline water, fresh air and sunshine it needs as it transmutes the new frequencies.

15) Remember to see everything that comes before you through the eyes of your higher self.

16) Practice self-love and self-acceptance and extend this unconditional love to all others.

17) Cultivate joy in your life by focusing on things that bring you joy. Remain open to allow new ideas and new forms of joy to flow into your life daily.

18) Become aware of what you give your energy to. Whatever drains your energy is associated with a thought virus; whatever lifts you up is associated with your spiritual purpose.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Posted on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 10:02PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Void States carry us into Life Tracks that are more Spiritually Alive 

In times of change we enter a void - the space between what has been and the future we're creating. The void is a natural and necessary passage in which we release the past and open to new visions and new ideas. A void offers access to new portals of joy and fulfillment and brings us into connection with souls who have agreed to play a role in the movie of our upcoming timeline. As we move deeper into these new realms, we connect with the version of ourselves that will lead us into the next phase of our lives. While void states may feel uncomfortable, they offer a rich and fertile ground for new seeds we are planting to take root and grow.

Void states are necessary because it's difficult to perceive the future clearly from inside a reality you're completing. You may have some glimmers but you can't fully know a future timeline until you're living inside it. Most always, we enter a transitional timeline when we complete with an enduring timeline that has carried us through new levels of self-understanding and new phases of life lessons. It's best to say we are completing with a timeline rather than leaving it. To say we are leaving a timeline implies we are moving away from, escaping from or eliminating the old timeline and this is not the case.

Determining the Nature and Tone of a Transitional Life Track

We can never get rid of a timeline we have experienced nor would we want to. This would eliminate the valuable understandings we gained along that life track. We could not eliminate a life track if we wanted to but there are some very good reasons we would not want to. When we realize our focus along a given life track is complete, this is the moment we determine the nature and tone of our transitional life track. If we hold intentions of embracing change and accepting the flow of beginnings and completions in our lives, we will find ourselves in a space of discovery and appreciation of the newness of our experiences.

The void can be a place of peace, joy, anticipation, self-discovery and tremendous freedom. It can also be a nerve-wracking journey of fear, dread, overwhelm, stress and sadness. The choice is ours. Even if we initially enter the void from a place of fear or resistance, we're able to shift into joy and acceptance by remembering everything that happens in our life is attempting to assist us and lift us up. We control our response to change. When we enter a new and challenging time with an open mind and loving heart we create the causes of a joyful journey through the void. We can begin this journey by entering a meditative space and basking in the love and assistance that is there for us. Our higher self is always ready and available to surround us with the warm glow of love and peace. We can enter this space any time we feel the uncertainty that naturally accompanies the un-rootedness of the void. This is why times of change and transition are essential to our spiritual growth. When we are existing along a timeline of well-established, third-dimensional comfort zones, we may not feel the need to reach out to our higher self.

Losing Ourselves to Find Ourselves in a New and Deeper Way

Complacency along an existing timeline is a signal it's time to renew ourselves and shift to a life track that is more spiritually alive. Our conscious mind may resist this change initially. The ego loves a sense of order and control. When the ego establishes too much order and control, this sets up a wall of resistance. It's about this time that the universe guides us into the chaos of the void where we lose ourselves in order to find ourselves in a new and deeper way. Our conscious mind may resist this change but soon enough the ego recognizes that the only reasonable way to navigate the unknown landscape of the void is to surrender to the soul's higher knowing.

Embracing Beginner's Mind with Grace and Humility

If we can embrace with grace and humility this place of beginner's mind, we can expand into the moment-by-moment awareness inherent in a new situation. This sense of newness builds in us anticipation about the transition timeline. When we surrender to the void we're able to fine-tune our vibrational frequency and bring it into resonance with a new timeline more strongly aligned with our spiritual purpose.

Beginner's mind is a place where we live our life moment-by-moment in divine communion, listening within for the next step and allowing our soul's feeling states to serve as the star we steer by. We may find beginner's mind to be so fulfilling we choose to remain there as part of our spiritual practice. Just incorporating periods of beginner's mind into each day will help us forge a strong connection with our inner guidance.

Resistance to Change Triggers a 'Ghost Town' Experience

If we go into resistance when we enter a time of change, we may shift to a transitional timeline that is rife with roadblocks, struggle and scarcity. Usually we encounter difficult transitional timelines when we cling to the past in some way. When we attempt to carry the past with us into a new timeline, we encounter a bleak landscape. This is very much a "ghost town" experience because we are in effect a ghost haunting a space we no longer inhabit. In other words, our present moment is no longer alive inside the previous timeline but our consciousness continues to travel back there - to haunt our own past, so to speak, stubbornly refusing to release what has been.

What we are holding onto is not truly the past, for the past is a concept of the mind. What we are holding onto are the people, situations, moments and things that represent our experiences along a past timeline. There is an energetic connection to these experiences of the past that can be addictive in nature. It is this addiction that keeps one haunting past moments in search of that which the mind knows well.

Allow Yourself to Exist Peacefully in Times of Change and Transition

Attempting to hold onto a past timeline throws us out of alignment with the flow of our higher self and distorts the focus of our mission here. We cannot exist in the ghost town of a past timeline for long without dramatic consequences to our health and well-being. Anytime you find a transition difficult, enter a quiet, meditative space and reconnect with your higher self. Allow yourself to exist peacefully in the void. Soon the flow of guidance will be reestablished, transporting you to a new transitional timeline where you can fine tune your vibrational frequency by aligning with those things that bring you joy.

You will find many elements of your past inside a transition timeline, including people, forms of creative expression, places, situations and life lessons. These elements that are in resonance with the frequencies of your transition timeline are renewed energetically. Your connection will now be based on the new frequencies, the new vision and the new timeline you're activating. You will find things have changed, however; your relationship with a person may become more loving, your art or writing may take new forms, ideas and flow; you may find yourself redecorating your house and bringing the frequencies there into alignment with your new vision. You may change your diet or choose to incorporate new forms of movement that help align mind, body and soul, such as yoga or t'ai chi.

During a transition phase, people, situations and places that are not compatible with the new frequencies will fall out of resonance. It is natural and understandable that once you connect with a vision that will carry you into the future, this will impact every area of your life. Some people, situations and interests from your past will be energetically renewed into your new life while others will be de-magnetized and fall away. This process will be sudden and abrupt in some cases and gradual in others. When you sense a person or situation leaving your life, surround them with love and thank them for the role they have played in your life. Keep in mind friends of the past never truly leave us. We're always connected at the soul level.

When you release a connection with someone from a place of love and appreciation, this opens a space for someone new to enter your life. Learn to exist joyfully along a transition timeline in a state of heightened awareness and anticipation and soon you will find new people, new situations, new events, and new moments flowing into your life as you are transported to a new timeline.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 01:55AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Activating a Future Self that can Time Travel in Consciousness 

When we align ourselves with our highest visions, we begin manifesting these potentials. This opens the door to a new and powerful source of guidance and assistance: our future self.

When we are taking steps to create the causes of a future empowered with intuitive knowing, spiritual awareness and a finely-tuned sense of perception, we are linking ourselves with a self that can reach back and entrain our present moment to new vibrational frequencies. These frequencies transform our life here on earth and transport us to timelines where our highest visions manifest quickly and with ease.

Creating the Causes of a Highly Intuitive and Aware Future Self

Our intuitive knowing comes directly from our soul and is a direct reflection of the wisdom our soul has acquired throughout lifetimes. When we take actions in our present moment with the intention to access soul knowledge we have accessed throughout time, we create the causes, so to speak, of a future self empowered with this wisdom and insight. This self knows how to step free of limiting beliefs and enter inner spaces beyond time and place. This self knows how to time travel in consciousness to assist past selves, including your present-moment focus self.

This is one way you’re able to enter a quantum phase of spiritual growth and awareness expansion. The further you move along the path of quantum growth, the more your consciousness becomes entrained to higher frequencies.

Indecision keeps Future Timelines from Crystalizing

Receiving guidance and assistance from future timelines is related to our clarity of perception and our willingness to believe in the future potentials we perceive. When we're experiencing doubt or indecision about our intentions and about the course we're moving on, we're putting energy toward several different timelines without fully activating one. This keeps future timelines from crystalizing. When we're undecided about what we want to create, it's difficult for a future self to become solid enough to reach back and help us.

It is only when your focus and feeling states are strongly aligned with a future timeline that you activate a new timeline and begin to experience it. This enables you to "tune into" the self that exists along that timeline. This future self lives along the timelines you are now activating with your thoughts, beliefs, actions, emotions and choices. Once you tune into the frequency of that self, you can ask for guidance and assistance. This future self can help you to heal both past and present. The assistance this self can provide helps clear anything that stands in the way of experiencing this timeline more fully.

Becoming Telepathic to your Future Self

Once you wholeheartedly choose a future timeline with all aspects of your being in agreement, the connection between your present moment and the self that exists along this future timeline becomes more solid. In time you will become telepathic to this self which will enable you to simultaneously ask for guidance and receive it. It's this kind of conscious communication with your future self that allows you to merge seamlessly with a new timeline.

Becoming telepathic with your future self means you are able to perceive and connect with the thoughts, feeling states, beliefs and spiritual understandings of an empowered and vibrationally evolved future self. As you connect with this self in consciousness, you're able to download the "memory chip" that reveals the steps between your present moment and the self that exists along this future timeline. These steps often appear to you as images or feeling states as you enter the timeframe when a particular step is needed.

Downloading the Feeling States of your Future Self

Just as you can download a soundtrack from the Internet that contains the frequencies of certain brain wave states, you can download frequencies into consciousness that contain emotional feeling states that help you to align with a future time. These frequencies are tied to locations in consciousness where the issues you are working with are healed and resolved. Integrating these frequencies allows you to heal emotional and psychological wounds. These wounds may also have to do with times when you are existing in the transition state of the void. These frequencies hold the power to pull you out of stuck emotional states and can help you gain traction in new and empowering directions.

Accessing Healing Frequencies during Times of Transition and Loss

Being able to access healing frequencies is especially helpful during times of transition and loss. Receiving healing and guidance from your future self allows you to let go of old ways of being. This frees you to move in the direction of a new timeline. In all likelihood, this is a timeline you've been seeing for yourself and have acknowledged as the new direction for your life but may be having difficulty moving toward this new timeline because you can't yet allow yourself to believe in it. You can begin merging with this new timeline by allowing yourself to exist there in consciousness. Enter a meditative state and allow images of your life along this timeline to flow into your mind. These images play on the movie screen of your mind, offering an experience of the sensory and feeling states your self of that timeline is experiencing.

Allow yourself to believe in this timeline and choose it regardless of whether you know any of the steps you would follow to get there. It's enough to perceive the new timeline and choose it wholeheartedly with every aspect of your being without reservation. Once you do this, you can set your intentions to move in this direction. Ask your future self that already exists along that timeline to assist and guide you. With this synergistic connection in place, you can begin working from both directions, so to speak; communicating, sharing, assisting, and uniting past, present and future.

You can Move Toward but never Away from a Timeline

It's important to keep in mind quantum growth is not a tool for moving away from an existing timeline, changing an existing timeline, or putting distance between your past and present. This constitutes running from the past which prevents you from embracing and benefitting from the lessons you learned there. Trying to escape an unwanted timeline also makes it difficult to feel genuine gratitude for the past. This can keep you from activating a truly new and empowered future self.

Conscious creating is always about moving toward the timeline that holds the power to carry you toward your highest potentials. Regardless of the past or the situation where you currently find yourself, you are able to move toward a future that excites you at every level and offers the strongest potential for passion and joy. Choosing the path of your highest potentials allows you to connect telepathically with your wise and empowered self that exists along that timeline. Once you begin moving in the direction of quantum growth, the emotional wounds and problems of the past are healed and transformed into the fuel that powers the rocket ship of your dreams and visions.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Posted on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 05:29PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment