Manifesting Your Inner Soulmate in Physical Reality
This 74-page ebook offers numerous perspectives on manifesting a soulmate into physical reality along with exercises and steps you can take become a whole, unified being who is a vibrational match to a soulmate. $15

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A guided meditation titled Meeting a Soulmate in Consciousness goes along with this ebook. To order the MP3 guided meditation, click here. This will take you to the Celestial Vision Digital Downloads Audio page. (The meditation is also available as a CD. Click here to go to the Celestial Vision Audio CD Page)
In this ebook, I talk about the inner process of manifesting your inner soulmates into physical reality. For purposes of clarification, I consider your inner soulmates to be your conscious and subconscious selves – your soul and its earthly component – your ego. Your mission as an incarnate being is to unite these two entities - in a sense uniting heaven and earth. When you align your conscious mind with your soul, you become a whole, balanced being capable of moving through life as the eyes and ears, the hands and feet of spirit. In this whole, unified state, your inner soulmates are fully aligned. You’re able to consciously reach into your subconscious anytime and anyplace to access knowledge and information. Your actions are aligned with the highest and best for yourself and all others.
From this whole and unified state, you are able, within any moment, to "see through" whatever is happening in "surface" reality and perceive deeper truths that run like pristine underground streams of every second and every breath you take. You become adept at perceiving the language of symbols and images -- the language of your soul - and you become skilled in responding to this telepathic communication with your higher self. From this place, there is no wounding; there is only emotional freedom, which allows you to choose love and become love. It allows you to see through your own lower motivations, to burn through them, and to see others through the eyes of your soul. When you’re able to see others in this way, you’re able to recognize the vibrational essence of your soulmate when they appear before you in the form of a flesh and bone person.
A Brief Look at Karmic Relationships
Connecting with your Inner Soulmate
Your Conscious and Subconscious are your True Soulmates
The Nature of Soul Contracts
Soulmate Reunions
Activating Soul Contracts
The Purpose of this Book
Releasing the Past – with Love
Intentions are Energetic Fields
How Clarity of Intent Shapes the Relationships we Manifest
Perceiving Motivations ‘Underneath the Vision'
Aligning our Intentions with our Spiritual Purpose
Clearing a Space for your Soulmate
Clearing the Clutter in your Life
Doing Things you will Share with Your Soulmate
The Roots of Chronic ‘Unavailability’
Learning to Step into Your Subconscious Mind
Strengthening the Connection between your Inner
Balance and Embrace Masculine and Feminine Energies
Embody Empowered Masculine and Feminine Qualities
Creating Emotional Freedom
Your Emotions Are Gatekeepers to Inner Unification
The Importance of Taking Responsibility
Discovering Emotional Triggers
Discovering Your 'Sacred' Wound
Accepting the Gifts of Your Wounded Self
Unifying Consciousness with Emotional Harmony
Harmonizing Your Inner Selves
Identifying Conflicting Perspectives about Relationships
Traveling in Consciousness to Release Energetic
Understanding the Right Use of Trust
Embracing Your Divinity
Opening to Spiritual Guidance
Developing Intuitive Perception
Courage and Trust are Prerequisites to Developing
Communing with your Higher Self
Receiving “Guidance Downloads" in Dream States and
Waking Consciousness
Opening to Moments of Insight and Synchronicity
Cultivating the Path of Joy
Emotional Freedom is the Key to Experiencing Joy
Focus on the Blessings in Your Life
Create a ‘Joy’ List
The Doorway of the Imagination
Joy is Self-Love and Appreciation
Creating a Soulmate Timeline and Identity Shift
Becoming Who You Are Seeking
Advanced Techniques for Manifesting a Soulmate
Meeting a Soulmate in Consciousness
Dream incubation techniques
Creating Rituals to Energize your Soulmate into your Life
The Manifesting Process, In-Depth
Planting the Seeds of a Soulmate Reunion
Meeting with Your Higher Self
Celebrations in Consciousness
Inviting a Soulmate to Join You
Magnetizing a Soulmate into Your Life
Summary of steps to bring a soulmate into your life
The Soulmate Messages
The True Nature of Love
Cultivating the Path of Self-Love
True Love Begins with Self-love
The Power of Unconditional Love
Loving Yourself Is Holographic to Loving Others
Discovering Aspects of Yourself You Don't Love
Self-Love Creates the Foundation for the New Earth
Love is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe
The Essence of Real Love
Love’s Earthly Reflections
Love’s ‘Points of Attraction’
The Journey toward Soulmate Reunion
The Un-unified Consciousness
Harmonizing the Conscious and Subconscious
“Old Souls” and Soulmate Connections
The Nature of Soulmate Contracts
Soul Age and Spiritual Contracts
Soul Contracts and Past Life “Karmic” Relationships
Soulmates and Pre-Ascension Lifetimes
Past Life Healing Takes Place within You, Not with Others
Inner Unity and the Soulmate Connection
Inner Fragmenting and Relationships
Healing an Existing Relationship
Creating Inner Unity Helps Draw your Soulmate
Energizing the Timeline of Wholeness and Soulmate
Affirming your Highest Intentions for a Soulmate Reunion
Steps to Aligning your Inner Soulmates
Meeting a Soulmate in ConsciousnessTable of Contents
The Right Timing of a Soulmate Reunion