About Numerology Reports
Numerology is the study of numbers and the manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies as an integral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie.
These reports are created with Decoz Professional Numerology software. To do a report, we need your full name at birth, the name you currently use, and your birthdate (day, month and year). Also give us an email address where we can send your report. It will be sent as an email attachment. This is an email report only.
Send us your Data for Numerology Reports
Full Numerology Profile and One-Year Forecast 
With this purchase you receive an 80+ page report that includes a numerology profile, a one-year monthly future forecast and a six-month daily forecast. (Approximately 60 pages)
It also includes a Personality Profile, which is another 22 to 24 pages. This information helps you know yourself, your life purpose, and assists you in planning important events as well as making day to day plans.
Your Personal Numerology Reading describes all aspects of your chart as they are understood in numerology, accurately and in-depth. Each chapter starts with a short introduction telling you where this particular number is found and how it affects you. This is followed by the number itself. Often, you will find a double digit number followed by a single digit. The meaning of your number is then explained in easy to read language. Oprah, you don't need to know anything about numerology to be able to enjoy and benefit from this reading. $15
Numerology Profile and Forecast Sample Report
Numerology Compatibility Report
This is a report that is about 35+ pages that takes each person's numbers and gives the compatibility of the individual numbers for life path, expression, heart's desire, personality, personal years and months. Find out the energetic tendencies for each of you and where the harmonizing points are between them.
The purpose of this report is to point out the different personality traits you possess, and how compatible they are. This report will help you identify those properties that are, at least to some extent, not compatible, and suggest how to prevent them from damaging, or dominating, your relationship. It is important to also keep in mind that you may have some qualities that, although positive, are not compatible, but that negative traits are almost always a cause for friction. Therefore, you may find that this Relationship Compatibility Report is at times more critical and perhaps somewhat harsh - unlike most readings of this kind. If you feel uncomfortable with that, remember that this report was designed to throw light on those aspects in your charts that need to be understood and recognized, because if they are not, they can do a lot more damage than a few critical remarks in a reading. $12
Numerology Relationship Compatibility Report
Name Change Numerology Report 
This report is 8-12 pages depending on the number of names you want to receive information for. You can submit up to five names.
The Name Advisor analyzes the kind of influence a name or a number, or a
combination of both, has on the human psyche. By doing so, it will help you choose the right name for a child, an adult (name change), a product, a pet, a street address, a business name, a telephone number, a car license plate, and so forth. The Name Advisor uses 3 to 4 topics. The Dominant Impression explains the initial and most strongly felt influence of a name. The Vowel Vibration focuses on the vowel sounds. The Base Vibration, which could be considered an underlying tone or rhythm, can apply to names as well as numbers - such as telephone numbers or social security numbers.The Overview section tells you about the relationship between the different vibrations.$7
Numerology Sample Name Change Report
Short Version Numerology Profile
This is an eight-page report that gives you your life path, expression and heart's desire numbers. If you buy this report and decide you want the full numerology profile, you can upgrade to the longer report for $10. Just let us know and we will send you a paypal invoice for the upgrade. $3
Short Version Numerology Report Sample
The Numbers Around You Report analyzes street addresses and phone numbers, and helps you find lost objects by challenging your subconscious using numerology. $5 Special