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Cosmic Openings Usher in the ‘Age of Telepathy’ 

Accelerated energies on the Earth plane are now making it possible for many to develop the advanced skill of telepathy. Telepathy is a direct “mind-to-mind” communication that will become increasingly common in Earth’s future history. During times when cosmic energies are “amped up” by the influence of eclipses, solstice/eclipse openings and other celestial conjunctions, some will experience moments of telepathic perception and other enhanced intuitive abilities. With practice, intention and desire, these glimpses can be expanded and cultivated.

In a broad sense, telepathy is the psychic transfer of thoughts, concepts, images, sounds and feelings. Telepathy is possible because your mind is a finely-tuned sending and receiving station that can be developed for use in advanced forms of communication.

To cultivate the skill of telepathy, you will need to bring awareness to the thoughts that enter your mind and begin discerning between your thoughts and feelings and those of others. As you observe your thoughts, you begin to discern their origin. Some thoughts you pick up from others. These are thoughts that may seem "out of context" and unlike you. When you "pick up" thoughts and feelings that are not your own, you feel scattered and unable to bring focus to your purpose and intentions. This doesn’t have to be the case. Through intention, you can filter out any thoughts and feelings you do not wish to enter your consciousness.

The Gift of Telepathy

Once the mind awakens to its infinite nature and claims the talents and gifts that are the birthright of each individual, it recognizes telepathy as a great tool and ally. The awakened mind quickly learns how to switch channels on the universal radio network, sampling many different realities to further understanding. One channel brings direct telepathy with frequencies of guides and angels while another brings the music of the spheres that is beyond all time and knowing.

Telepathy between Awakened Minds

There will likely be times when you will choose to tune into the thoughts of others in order to assist them. For instance, if you are a teacher, you will find telepathy helps you work more efficiently with your students. All great teachers are able to read the thoughts of their students. In this way, they bring forth knowledge and information in the form that is most able to bridge another’s consciousness into higher understanding.

Some “soul intuitives” use telepathy to read others. A soul intuitive will telepathically connect with the person they are assisting. We will note this is always with the permission of the person being "read." They create a link similar to dialing a telephone number, then focus their mind to strengthen this connection. They enter the person's thought and feeling planes, allowing themselves a general sampling and experience that provides a "big picture" of what is there. They then "ask" to be directed and guided to areas of interest the person is working with. In this way, they are able
to perceive understandings the person is attempting to gain within the present moment. Opening one door often opens others.

Other awakened beings incorporate telepathy into healing techniques that involve seeing a person's essence. Through telepathy it’s possible to detect frequencies and overlays that form a kind of "plaque" that prevents the soul from fully uniting with the earthly consciousness. This plaque consists of layerings of erroneous beliefs and the remnants of outer efforts to program consciousness. The best spiritual healers offer themselves as a surrogate consciousness through which a person can see anything blocking the flow of life force into their bodies. This awareness helps the person begin to burn away whatever is choking the flow of life force into their earthly existence. In this way, healing occurs.

Ushering in the ‘Age of Telepathy’

The most joyful communion takes place within the heavenly flow of telepathy between awakened minds. The trademark of an awakened mind is openness. It’s through this openness that a mind is willing to stand naked within its own thoughts. Those who are willing to communicate telepathically have nothing to hide. They live outside the confines of judgment, illusory projections and the negative belief systems symptomatic of a limited, physical-based consciousness.

In Earth’s future history, more beings will choose to communicate through the eloquence of spirit. During the coming ‘age of telepathy’, silence will be practiced on an ever greater scale by conscious beings who transcend need for the spoken word. More and more beings in your world will cultivate the skill of telepathy, where thoughts are projected and received with a quiet eloquence that only blissful souls possess. In the beginning of transition times, this telepathy will become the silent password and calling card of those who share in the creation of a New World founded on principles of universal love.

Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and
Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, July 10, 2009 at 11:24PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

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