
Accessing this Week’s Portal of Transformation
Change and spiritual transformation are readily accessible now through the coming week and beyond as the energies of the solar eclipse erupt onto the scene, joining the intense cocktail of planetary retrogrades that includes the Uranus retrograde that began August 7 and runs through January 7, 2019.
The August 11 solar eclipse in Leo which occurs at 3:02 AM CST, carries us deeper into the portal that opened with the July 27 lunar eclipse in Aquarius. This new moon solar eclipse unfolds once again on the Aquarius/Leo axis, bringing life-altering change to those with their sun or inner planets in Leo or Aquarius. The other two fixed signs of Scorpio and Taurus will feel the effects of this eclipse powerfully as well.
Everyone will feel the energies of this solar eclipse. Some are already feeling the arrival of the eclipse energies. The energies of an eclipse show up a week or more before the eclipse and are felt most strongly in the 2-3 days prior to the eclipse, the day of the eclipse and 2-3 days after, gradually lessening in intensity. Eclipse influences can last up to six month until the next eclipse series. The next eclipse series will take place in January 2019.
Numerous planetary and other influences are aspecting this eclipse. Most notably, this eclipse aspects Pluto, the planet of personal transformation associated with renewal and rebirth, and expansive Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune, which is now direct.
This July 27/August 11 eclipse series is helping us transform all that has stood on the path of our spiritual growth and evolution. Doors in consciousness open during this time, giving wings to goals and intentions when they’re aligned with the highest and best for all. The veils between dimensions thin during eclipses so it becomes easier to communicate with souls on the other side and to ask for and receive spiritual guidance.
Some intuitives find their perception off the charts during eclipses and those who are developing intuitive skills may find themselves having psychic and spiritual breakthroughs that shift the course of their lives. As with any transformative change, a certain amount of chaos is to be expected as we seek to maintain balance and find solid ground amid the shifting energies.
This is an eclipse to practice extra self-care and pay attention to health matters. This eclipse can impact the heart, literally. There could be sensitivity in the circulatory system. This is a time when it’s best to avoid major surgery if possible.
With the eclipse conjunct retrograde Mercury, allow for communication glitches. Be especially mindful of what you say as others may be feeling especially sensitive now. If you are distracted by the chaos swirling now, you might be prone to speak before you think. With Mercury retrograde conjunct the eclipse, you may find yourself questioning things in your life. This is not the best time for negotiations or important decisions so it’s best to postpone things of that nature to calmer times. In the bigger picture, social and political change could ride in on the wings of this eclipse, improving things for the greater good.
This eclipse may inspire you to set bold intentions for the future yet the ongoing planetary retrogrades could hinder immediate steps. Mercury goes direct August 19 and Mars goes direct August 27 lightening the cosmic mood a bit.
Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Chiron will be retrograde during the August 11 solar eclipse. Newly retrograde Uranus could make it more difficult to resist the planet’s sometimes erratic and impulsive influences. Depending on what’s going on with Uranus in your astrology chart, you could find yourself being more abrupt, aloof or even agitated. Neurotic behavior, mood swings and rapid personality changes are not uncommon with Uranus retrograde. Past life influences could cast a shadow over this time, triggering karmic events. This provides us yet another opportunity to heal the past at all levels. Be yourself during this time but tread lightly. On the flipside, Uranus magnifies intuition, genius and creativity. It can inspire more eccentric self-expression. Your mind and emotions could be at odds during this time. Avoid outbursts. If a situation is pushing your buttons, it’s best to walk away.
During the time of this solar eclipse, insights you have received in recent weeks could begin to take shape, inspiring a shift in direction. This is the potential for tremendous personal growth during this time. Your visions and sense of possibility may be constantly shifting. Update intentions regularly, even daily.
It is not unusual to see earth change type events unfolding around the time of an eclipse, and even into the weeks immediately following an eclipse. The energies of the planet and all its inhabitants are shaken up during an eclipse.
This is the perfect time to work with intentions. To magnify your intentions, create a new moon ceremony and ask for inner guidance to help steer your actions. This is a good time to plant seeds for the future. Write down your intentions. Journal, work with dreams. You may even choose to record your intentions and play them back periodically. Another idea is to write your intentions in bold colors and tape them to your refrigerator. Whatever works best for you is perfect.
Things are going to be extra intense this week and for a week or more after the eclipse. This eclipse can help you sort out emotions and situations stirred up during the time of the July 27 lunar eclipse. Some situations you were dealing with prior to this summer’s eclipse series trace back to the January 31st/February 15th eclipse series earlier in the year. With those eclipses on the Leo/Aquarius axis as well, you may find echoes of events from earlier in the year showing up now.
Making the most of the eclipse energies is largely a matter of staying present and paying attention to signs from the universe. Dreams, synchronicities and changes that seem to come out of the blue can point the way to new potentials.
Your guidance, empathy and intuition are your greatest sources of strength during this time. It is better not to resist the changes unfolding now. Follow the signs, ask for guidance, set intentions, allow plenty of time to rest and refresh. Read a good book, take a walk in nature, take lots of naps. Eat healthy and even consider a fast or cleanse to clear old energy from your body. Clear clutter, clear your home. Clear the way to make room for the dramatic changes ahead. By setting the intention to harness the energies of this eclipse to fuel our dreams we are able to access doorways in consciousness that are capable of carrying us into timelines of our highest potentials.
©2010-2018 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved www.celestialvision.org These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.
Summer’s Sound and Fury: the Cancer Solar Eclipse joins Retrograde Blitz
The energies of today’s partial solar eclipse in Cancer are in full force now, bouncing off this summer’s powerful retrogrades and other energies. These energies are bringing life-altering change to our doorsteps while tossing new potentials and challenges into the mix. The energies of the solar eclipse have been filtering in these past few weeks and will dominate until the August 11 solar eclipse. The July 27 lunar eclipse will amplify the themes of this week’s solar eclipse.
Mercury joins a slate of other retrograde planets from July 25 to August 19, adding issues of communication, scheduling, transportation and judgment to the mix. There is the potential to become vague and error prone during this time and the energies could sideswipe us in any areas where we are out of balance. We are asked during Mercury retrograde to go within and commune with our higher self.
There is a bigger picture to the major shifts taking place this summer. We are truly entering a new phase of the changes that began in recent years, manifesting the next level of the new earth.
Manifestation is a big word this year. This is truly a time to remember that when you ask you shall receive. You will need to see through the swirling chaos and shifting energies with your inner eyes to step past the illusion that may feel more dense than usual.
Manifesting works when you ask for what you see for yourself and acknowledge that what you seek is for the highest good of all. Align your dreams and wishes with the highest good, ask and open to receive. Be sure to include the well-being of all living things in your requests. Hold ill will toward no one. Allow the universe to conspire on your behalf. When you stand firmly in your purpose everything is possible now.
This is a good time to study your astrology chart to gain insights into your purpose and understand the possibilities and challenges currently on your individual path. This year’s planetary retrogrades make for a time of spiritual contemplation. Fast, go on retreats, set off on a journey to discover your true path. Ask your higher self to bring you daily guidance and wisdom. When you ask for answers to the issues before you and open to receive the universe will bring what you need.
This is a year for generous deeds and doing good work. Forgive the past, forgive yourself. Neptune is currently retrograde, providing a wonderful opportunity to see the world with new eyes. Crystal clarity brings certainty. Light shines through clouds of self-doubt. Meditate to see the world with your inner eyes. Everything that seemed daunting and complex in the past appears simple from this perspective. Any way in which you have been deluding yourself falls away. Truth shines on us like the morning sun. During this time it’s important to be willing to see what lies beneath the surface. Read between the lines, listen to the spaces between words. Expand your field of vision. Things are possible now that may have seemed beyond your reach in the past.
The fiery Mars retrograde brings the potential for flare ups and eruptions. Mars retrograde combined with this week’s partial solar eclipse in Cancer sets the stage for a possible crisis that affects a relationship, an event or your sense of self. This potent cocktail of energies could trigger deeply buried subconscious fears from earlier in this life and from past lives.
Events unfolding now may seem fated. Old patterns may reappear. Everyone now will need to practice patience as the heated energies push our buttons. This can be an emotionally painful time. On the other side of this period we will enter an energetically tranquil time that resembles the calm after the storm.
This week’s solar eclipse is powerfully opposed by Pluto, the planet of transformation. This is the time to transform things in your life that are holding you back. With this eclipse in Cancer, we may find its affects centered on our home life, relationships, intimacy, safety and security and creativity. Emotional sensitivity may rule this passage and we may find our intuition off the charts. This is a time for hard work and perseverance in order to activate the potentials of this eclipse.
This solar eclipse signals the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. The influence of a solar eclipse generally lasts six months but the August 11 solar eclipse will supersede this week’s eclipse.
This is a good time to examine old patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving your highest good. You’re able to gain traction in leaving behind old ways of being and start anew. When you release limitation and open to new, creative ways of moving forward, the universe supports and assists you. Writing down intentions and desires can be especially powerful during this time.
It is important during this time to welcome changes that arise. Events now are helping you gain awareness of destructive habits and behaviors. Some events now will happen outside your control. This is to help you realize you don’t need complete control over others or your environment. You may feel a bit bruised by this eclipse and the energies of this time but if you open to the changes unfolding you will find blessings beyond what you may have imagined.
The fact that opposing Pluto is in retrograde figures into the mix. Pluto urges you to transform the negative, destructive or limiting part of your life. Right now, Pluto is asking us to reflect on issues of power and control. Let go of any ways you have controlled or manipulated others. Let go of others who have sought to control or manipulate you. This is not the time to indulge in power trips. This is a time to release. It will come become clear this month which habits, addictions or prejudices you need to release.
It becomes more important than ever to stand up for your rights. Overcome adversity, addiction or illness. This is a time when you are able to transform a personal crisis into a success and a turning point that changes the course of your life. A crisis could bring awareness of ways you have held yourself back from realizing the happiness and success you seek. Powerful forces are playing a role in our lives now. The way forward is to surrender your power and control to a higher force. Trust your instincts and higher guidance.
Mars Retrograde Kicks off Summer's Celestial Fireworks Show

This week’s celestial events will fire off cosmic fireworks that will rival anything we’ll see on the Fourth of July. We are already feeling the effects of the Mars retrograde, which arrives full force on June 26. Mars joins several other planets that are already retrograde. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto retrogrades have already started slowing us down and now Mars, the planet of forward motion, will have us moving in fits and starts until we surrender to the slower pace.
Mercury, Uranus and Chiron will turn retrograde later this summer and Venus will go retrograde in October, all adding to the planetary slowdown. This is a year for spiritual reflection, going within, building foundations and practicing patience with the inevitable obstacles that the retrogrades will bring.
Right on the heels of Mars Retrograde is the June 27-28 Capricorn Full Moon, a potent full moon that will prepare us for the upcoming three-part eclipse series that includes a Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer on July 12; a Lunar Eclipse at 4 degrees Aquarius on July 27; and a Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees Leo on August 11. We’ll have a closer look at the eclipse energies and what to expect as we get closer to them. For now we’ll keep our focus on the next few days and the powerful energies we’ll be navigating.
Mars Retrograde Triggers Conflict and Spiritual Review
The Mars retrograde that runs from June 26 to August 27 is the most powerful of all the retrogrades as its effects will be stronger and more noticeable. Mars retrograde asks us to review and evaluate the direction of our lives. We will be asked during this time to review the past and consider whether our actions have helped or hindered us.
When Mars goes retrograde we may feel a jolt as our forward progress slows. We may feel ourselves regressing to old perspectives and behaviors for a time. This is not the time to instigate aggression or conflict as these tactics could backfire. It’s the time to go back and transform difficult situations into positive or at least beneficial ones. You may be quicker to anger during this time. This will be the week to count to a hundred before you speak and the week to get out and work off any extra aggression you may feel through intense exercise. Any extra aggression this week could add to conflicts that arise.
This summer’s retrogrades aren’t all bad by any stretch. You just have to embrace the slower pace and focus on what you can do. This is a good time to complete projects already underway. It’s a time to go back to revisit those efforts you set aside. Dust them off and give them a new look. This is a good time to consolidate your efforts and review your plans and visions and prepare to launch the journey to realize them anew when the planets turn direct again. Uranus will be the last planet to turn direct on Jan. 6, 2019.
This retrograde phase is a good time to resolve old disagreements and make peace with old friends, lovers or issues that have dogged you in the past. Past commitments will come up for review. This is a good time to research new ideas but it’s best to wait until the fall/spring equinox (depending on your location) to forge ahead.
Capricorn Full Moon Stirs the Pot
The June 27 full moon at 6 degrees Capricorn will stir the energies and have us running toward sources of comfort though these may be hard to find during this time. This full moon will ask us to stand on our own two feet and become stronger, more mature and focused than we want to be at this time. The full moon will square Chiron, bringing us face to face with childhood wounds or past points of suffering and tension. We may wish others were more supportive at this time but the universe is encouraging us to stand on our own two feet and build a stronger belief in ourselves. The June full moon is sometimes called the hot moon. With Mars retrograde in the mix this may be a “hot” full moon in more ways than one!
The July 12 Solar Eclipse brings Clearing and Potential
This week’s elixir of energies sets the stage for the upcoming July 12 Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer. The New Moon on Thursday, July 12 is a partial solar eclipse influenced by a powerful opposition to Pluto. This could trigger some sort of crisis with your self-esteem, a relationship or an event. Other aspects to this eclipse bring the potential for neurotic distress brought on by a subconscious fear of disaster.
The July 12 solar eclipse is a good time to look closely at things in your life that may be standing in the way of happiness and success. A fortunate Grand Trine configuration allows you to transform your love life, finances or creative work during this eclipse. Determination and hard work will bring the potential and opportunity of the grand trine to help avert a personal crisis
©2010-2018 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved www.celestialvision.org These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.
February’s Solar Eclipse in Aquarius is a Force for Positive Change
We are entering a time when new potentials swirl around us and portals materialize to transport us to timelines aligned with our highest dreams and visions. All this is courtesy of the February 15th solar eclipse at 27° Aquarius. Riding on the heels of the January 31st lunar eclipse, this week’s celestial event builds on themes of healing, women’s empowerment, love and relationships, and positive change.
The new moon marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It is an opportunity that arises every four weeks to wipe the slate clean and begin anew. Solar eclipses are turbocharged new moons that cast a profound influence six months into the future. It holds the power to help us break free of old patterns, habits and behaviors and to step into a future we previously only glimpsed in our dreams and visions.
This is a time when intentions and desires unite with the powerful forces of the universe to set new timelines into motion. In order to take full advantage of the energies of this time, be willing to release whatever no longer serves you. Set your intention to see yourself and others clearly, and to allow the divine flow of universal energy to shape events around you. Allowing is important during this time as the universe can bring assistance beyond what you may have imagined. Still and calm your mind and allow the universe to speak to you and reveal the next steps of your journey into an ever more empowered and spiritually enlightened future.
You may find yourself downloading ideas of how to improve your life now. You may travel in your dreams to locations in consciousness where cosmic information is given to you by your guides. Much of what comes to you during this time will center on your spiritual purpose for this lifetime. The assistance you receive will be in proportion to efforts made toward realizing your purpose.
Aspects to this solar eclipse fine tune the energies of the coming six months. This eclipse is very close to Mercury, which brings ideas, communications, educational opportunities and more. All matters related to the intellect enter the mix. If you are a writer this is an excellent time to write a book. Journaling becomes a powerful tool for self- growth and transformation during this time. Just the simple act of writing down your goals and intentions each week can be more powerful than ever before.
Aspects from Jupiter and Uranus bring success through positive change. As much as anything else, this is an eclipse of positive change. Focus your energy on positive change and you’ll receive powerful assistance under the influence of this eclipse. Be prepared to take advantage of opportunities that manifest before you.
This eclipse is also aspected by the asteroid Juno which symbolizes mystical union. Venus in aspect to Saturn brings increased need of companionship. It will be important during this period to be loved by someone who truly sees you. This is a time to forge lasting soul connections. Paradoxically, Neptune also in the mix brings the need to exercise a higher level of discernment with all that comes before you during this time, including the people who enter your life. Neptune can cloud judgment so it’s a time for clear seeing in all matters. This eclipse also conjuncts asteroid Hygeia which brings natural healing into play.
Determining the Influence of an Eclipse in your Chart
The location in your chart where 27 degrees Aquarius falls will give you a good idea what areas of your life are likely to experience change and transformation in days, weeks and months to come.
Finding 27 Degrees Aquarius in Your Astrology Chart
In order to find the area of your life most influenced by the February 15 solar eclipse, get a copy of your astrology chart and find what house and planet 27 degrees Aquarius falls in. Once you find 27 degrees Aquarius in your chart, check and see if you have any planets near that location. Some will feel the influence more intensively. If you have a natal planet within a degree or so of any eclipse, that area of your life will undergo awakening and transformation in the near future.
Even if you don't have anything directly in orb with 27 degrees Aquarius, the planet and house where Aquarius falls in your chart is an area of heightened influence. The house of your natal chart that contains 27 degrees Aquarius depicts an area of your life that will become a primary focus over the next six months. You will also want to examine whether you have any planets in Leo, which is opposite Aquarius.
The January 31st Lunar Eclipse gives Wings to your Highest Visions
New timelines aligned with divine feminine energy become more accessible with the January 31st full lunar eclipse at 11° Leo. With close proximity to the Crab Constellation, this eclipse has heavy Cancer overtones, making it especially powerful. It has echoes of the August 2017 eclipses though the energies of this eclipse are softer. Intuition rather than logic is the way to navigate this emotion-driven eclipse.
Issues that have bubbled beneath the surface since last August’s eclipses may erupt onto the surface now. Seeds planted in the last six months may sprout during this time or they may fail to sprout depending on your intentions and actions since the last eclipse.
A lunar eclipse is a turbocharged full moon. It represents a resetting of emotions, helping clear away any emotional backlog of the last six months. This clearing sets the stage for the February 15 partial solar eclipse at 27° Aquarius. The February 15 solar eclipse is strongly aligned with Mercury and focuses on ideas and communications. The energies of the January 31st lunar eclipse and the February 15th solar eclipse set the tone for much of what happens in our lives until the next solar eclipse on July 12.
Eclipses are powerful cosmic events that affect everyone – though some may experience an eclipse more strongly than others depending on how an eclipse falls in their natal chart. An eclipse activates the house in which it falls in our chart and we may experience emotional situations connected to that house.
Themes and influences of an eclipse can emerge up to four weeks before an eclipse and can last for six months after or until the next eclipse. A lunar eclipse helps purge and release things from your life that no longer serve your higher purpose. People, situations or ways of being may leave your life around the time of an eclipse.
Lunar eclipses have a way of bringing hidden truths to light or they may open our eyes to any ways we have been deluding ourselves. They may also reveal ways others have deceived us. Relationships may experience shake-ups at this time; some may end while others may begin. You may become aware of an unfulfilled need or desire at this time. You may suddenly recognize a need to heal or nurture yourself, or you may recognize a need to reach out and assist others. Whatever the universe brings your attention to during the time of an eclipse is significant and has the power to shift you to new timelines aligned with the next phase of your life journey.
The January 31st eclipse brings focus to women’s issues, a topic that has synchronistically taken to the world’s stage in recent weeks and months. Modern versus traditional motherhood, women’s independence, equality and all matters on the home front will take center stage during this eclipse. People and events from the past may return to our lives during this time. Venus is on the south node and has the power to bring love relationships and people from our past back into our lives.
Neptune makes an aspect to the eclipse, bringing sensitivity and psychic awareness into the mix. It will be easier to perceive timeline potentials at this time and make conscious choices about the future. This psychic awareness combined with emotional clearing triggered by the eclipse can propel us to new and more empowered future timelines. This is a good time to journal and set intentions. Sit in meditation, observe whatever emotional issues arise and allow them to release. Neptune could bring conflicting emotions leading to overwhelm. If this should occur, it may be a time to step back from emotional overload rather than undergo a meltdown.
Jupiter is also in the mix, making harmonious aspects to the eclipse, shoring us up and helping us to face whatever challenges the eclipse brings our way. This is a time to focus on the environment and assisting others. Avoid any narcissistic tendencies. It is important to nurture and care for the sick and others in need and to donate to charities that help people in need. This is also a good time to help a homeless animal or donate to a charity that helps animals.
The moon in close alignment to the asteroid Ceres brings the potential for healing during this eclipse, which is supportive for those who work for the good of animals and the environment, for healers, for those who volunteer for humanitarian efforts and those teachers and guides who clear the way for others to follow.
Donate, volunteer, contribute during this time. Whatever you feel is missing in your life, find a way to give that to others. Express gratitude for the love and blessings you have. Raise your vibration and the energies of this eclipse will give wings to your highest visions.