Mars Retrograde Kicks off Summer's Celestial Fireworks Show

This week’s celestial events will fire off cosmic fireworks that will rival anything we’ll see on the Fourth of July. We are already feeling the effects of the Mars retrograde, which arrives full force on June 26. Mars joins several other planets that are already retrograde. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto retrogrades have already started slowing us down and now Mars, the planet of forward motion, will have us moving in fits and starts until we surrender to the slower pace.
Mercury, Uranus and Chiron will turn retrograde later this summer and Venus will go retrograde in October, all adding to the planetary slowdown. This is a year for spiritual reflection, going within, building foundations and practicing patience with the inevitable obstacles that the retrogrades will bring.
Right on the heels of Mars Retrograde is the June 27-28 Capricorn Full Moon, a potent full moon that will prepare us for the upcoming three-part eclipse series that includes a Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer on July 12; a Lunar Eclipse at 4 degrees Aquarius on July 27; and a Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees Leo on August 11. We’ll have a closer look at the eclipse energies and what to expect as we get closer to them. For now we’ll keep our focus on the next few days and the powerful energies we’ll be navigating.
Mars Retrograde Triggers Conflict and Spiritual Review
The Mars retrograde that runs from June 26 to August 27 is the most powerful of all the retrogrades as its effects will be stronger and more noticeable. Mars retrograde asks us to review and evaluate the direction of our lives. We will be asked during this time to review the past and consider whether our actions have helped or hindered us.
When Mars goes retrograde we may feel a jolt as our forward progress slows. We may feel ourselves regressing to old perspectives and behaviors for a time. This is not the time to instigate aggression or conflict as these tactics could backfire. It’s the time to go back and transform difficult situations into positive or at least beneficial ones. You may be quicker to anger during this time. This will be the week to count to a hundred before you speak and the week to get out and work off any extra aggression you may feel through intense exercise. Any extra aggression this week could add to conflicts that arise.
This summer’s retrogrades aren’t all bad by any stretch. You just have to embrace the slower pace and focus on what you can do. This is a good time to complete projects already underway. It’s a time to go back to revisit those efforts you set aside. Dust them off and give them a new look. This is a good time to consolidate your efforts and review your plans and visions and prepare to launch the journey to realize them anew when the planets turn direct again. Uranus will be the last planet to turn direct on Jan. 6, 2019.
This retrograde phase is a good time to resolve old disagreements and make peace with old friends, lovers or issues that have dogged you in the past. Past commitments will come up for review. This is a good time to research new ideas but it’s best to wait until the fall/spring equinox (depending on your location) to forge ahead.
Capricorn Full Moon Stirs the Pot
The June 27 full moon at 6 degrees Capricorn will stir the energies and have us running toward sources of comfort though these may be hard to find during this time. This full moon will ask us to stand on our own two feet and become stronger, more mature and focused than we want to be at this time. The full moon will square Chiron, bringing us face to face with childhood wounds or past points of suffering and tension. We may wish others were more supportive at this time but the universe is encouraging us to stand on our own two feet and build a stronger belief in ourselves. The June full moon is sometimes called the hot moon. With Mars retrograde in the mix this may be a “hot” full moon in more ways than one!
The July 12 Solar Eclipse brings Clearing and Potential
This week’s elixir of energies sets the stage for the upcoming July 12 Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer. The New Moon on Thursday, July 12 is a partial solar eclipse influenced by a powerful opposition to Pluto. This could trigger some sort of crisis with your self-esteem, a relationship or an event. Other aspects to this eclipse bring the potential for neurotic distress brought on by a subconscious fear of disaster.
The July 12 solar eclipse is a good time to look closely at things in your life that may be standing in the way of happiness and success. A fortunate Grand Trine configuration allows you to transform your love life, finances or creative work during this eclipse. Determination and hard work will bring the potential and opportunity of the grand trine to help avert a personal crisis
©2010-2018 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.
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