The present moment does not exist in isolation to the past or future. It is important to see your experience across time as a continuum that influences itself in all directions. In this way, the future influences the present moment just as the present moment influences the past.
As you begin to expand your consciousness, you become aware of events unfolding in your near future. As you further attune to subtle energies, you become aware of how events unfolding in the near future are influencing and changing your present moment.
This is possible because events unfolding in the near future exert an energetic field in both directions. This is similar to strumming a string on a musical instrument. The sound travels along the string in both directions, creating a vibration that extends beyond the instrument itself. This vibration carries on beyond the instrument and beyond the room where it is strummed. People outside the room are able to detect the vibration depending on the acuity of their hearing. Likewise, the acuity of your spiritual perception determines your ability to perceive the near future moment.
In your world, when someone "picks up" on the subtle vibrations and influences of future events, you call this precognition. Precognition is an acute sensing of events unfolding in the future and their wave-like field of resonance. Precognition becomes more common as you fine-tune your intuitive receiving station to the subtle influences of your near future. It is by perceiving the future realities that your present actions are creating that you are able to more easily make course corrections and revisions. At the same time, when you perceive that something you have been seeking to manifest is about to appear in physical reality, you can begin preparations to receive it.
If you find you are not creating what you want, you can successfully revise the future depending on the present status of the impending manifestation. Many events that have already crystallized energetically in your near future cannot be changed, though you can begin to transform yourself and your perceptions of those events before they arrive in your physical reality. These changes will begin to shape a more distant future moment. Welcome all your creations and the insights they bring you, for they are assisting you in your growth and evolution.
Moments of the Near Past
Just as you're able to perceive events unfolding in the near future, you can also sense how changes you're making in your present moment are changing your past. This is especially evident in the person who has awakened to a new level of spiritual awareness.
A good example of this is the person who experiences a significant vibrational change sends waves of resonance into their past and future that exert an influence. Just as events unfolding in the near future influence the present moment, changes you're making in your present moment influence and alter your past. When this occurs, you may wake up one morning and feel quite differently about many things in your life. Those things that once caused you distress may now seem insignificant. Limitations you once perceived may have dissolved. In fact, when you enter a new level of spiritual understanding, you may shift your consciousness to a different perspective altogether. Your "past self," sensing these upcoming changes, begins to respond consciously or subsconsciously. This response contributes to the momentum of the near future moment when the awakening occurs. It is in this way that the future simultaneously create the past as the past creates the future.
Many people are not consciously aware of "waves of influence" from the past and the future that are constantly passing like ocean breezes through their present moment. As you attune to these subtle influences, you are able to come into a greater realization of yourself as a conscious creator, strumming the strings of all-time in the symphony of your own becoming.