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Entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention, Part 2

In the course of your spiritual journey, you reach a time when you come into a new awareness that is able to perceive all the points on the map of your own consciousness that need healing and release.  This new awareness recognizes learning opportunities as they arrive in the present moment and is connected at all times with the higher perspective of each event.

As this awareness grows, it is drawn to those moments in the history of your Earthly journeys when energetic aspects of your self are trapped and held in time.  As your new awareness travels through time to release this energy, you receive a great surge of energy in your present moment.  As these past moments in time are released, your focus and attention ceases to scatter.  You may not be consciously aware of past aspects trapped in time, but on some level you hear them calling to you and respond by creating scenarios in your present moment to attempt to bring about their release.  These subconscious attempts may create a bit more insight into trapped emotional energy, but they rarely result in complete healing without the aid of conscious awareness.

When your awareness becomes able to assist in this healing, you will find many spiritual understandings suddenly falling into place.  As understandings you have been seeking to gain across time are completed, you're now ready to begin the next phase of your journey as a soul incarnated on Earth.  That is, you are now ready to undertake journeys of angelic intervention to assist other souls in need of healing and assistance.

The Journey of Angelic Intervention to Assist Others

There will come a time in your spiritual journey when you begin traveling in your nightly dreams to assist others in consciousness.  At first, these journeys may be assisting a disincarnated soul that has lost its way.  Or it may be traveling to assist an incarnated being who is asking for guidance and assistance. It may even be a friend who is in need of help.

You may recall from a past discussion that the human energy field, when fully expanded with cosmic energy, appears to unfold "angelic wings."  So it is that you may appear as an angelic being to those you are assisting.  The form your presence takes depends on the belief system of those you are assisting.

Your ability to remember nightly celestial journeys is determined by your degree of lucidity.  In other words, if you are able to clearly remember your dreams, you will remember parts of your nightly journeys to assist others.  Practice in remembering and understanding the symbols of your dreams will help you tune into the events of nightly journeys.

Angelic Presence and Healing

You may ask how it is you are able to assist other souls in consciousness.  It is in much the same way that you assisted aspects of your self in consciousness.  We are aware that many lightworkers still have difficulty perceiving themselves as a high-vibrational presence, and we will address that here.  It is this difficulty to believe in oneself that dims the light of many gifted souls.

Each being is incarnate with the full spectrum of energetic capabilities.  That is to say, each of you from the outset contains a field of potentiality that is identical to that of any other.  The shape of your existence from the beginning is chosen by your soul according to the understandings you came here to create this time around.  It is always within your ability to fully awaken at any point along your journey and choose to activate different potentialities.

Those who have chosen to work through the intention of assisting other souls in their awakening process have effectively chosen to activate high-vibrational aspects within their energetic field.  In order to align with these aspects and use them for the higher good of all, you must be willing to identify them as your own.  In other words, to accept your self and experience your self as the high-vibrational being that you are.

Journeys to Assist Mass Numbers of Souls

There are times on the Earth when great numbers of souls are passing over to other realms.  This might be the site of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane, or it might be the site of a "man-made" disaster, such as the event you term "911."

To help you understand this form of angelic intervention, we will describe how many volunteer souls arrived on the astral plane to assist those newly leaving the Earth after 911.  A call was sent out far and wide for angelic assistance to aid the souls crossing over.  This call went out well in advance of the actual event.  Understand when you journey to assist others, it can be in past or future timeframes, as well as your present timeframe.  With 911, it was important for lightworkers to journey from a time before the event.  After 911 occurred, a dark cloud spread throughout the human collective consciousness that temporarily dimmed the light of many high vibrational souls as their heart struggled to find love around this occurrence.  For this reason, it was important for light beings to arrive "on the scene" not knowing what they were viewing.

The souls they assisted arrived with visions of what they had experienced very much intact.  Thanks to the efforts of many volunteer souls, they were quickly brought into reunion with their higher self and remembered their soul contract to participate in this important event on the world’s stage.  Their souls were able to take quantum steps on their journey of becoming as a result of this contract.

In time, advanced souls recall their journeys to assist others at the site of such world events.  Beyond this, they begin to undertake journeys in their waking consciousness.  Relatively few souls reach this phase of waking journeys.

IEach time you journey to assist aspects of yourself in time, or other souls in need of assistance, you deepen your experience and understanding of angelic aspects of yourself.  Over time you carry angelic energy more and more into your daily life, greatly transforming the vibration of your present existence to one of joyful service and love.

By entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention, you are able to recognize and accept high vibrational aspects of yourself.  As you expand your beliefs, you are able to travel in consciousness to assist aspects of yourself trapped in time.  As you clear your energy throughout time, you become a brighter light in the universe, able to travel in nightly dreams and waking consciousness to assist other souls in need of guidance and assistance.

Posted on Sunday, December 16, 2007 at 10:28PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments Off