To attract more life force into your energy field, you can choose to align with this greater infusion through the Law of Attraction. Conscious awareness combined skillful powers of discernment are keys to creating this alignment.
Conscious Awareness and Discernment
As you move through your life, you encounter many beings, ideas, and opportunities. When you operate in your life with a high level of conscious awareness, you are awake to each idea, person and opportunity that enters your reality. Each thing you encounter can be examined with the bright light of discernment. In this context, we define the skill of discernment as the ability within the moment to hold each encounter in the light of your higher consciousness and observe how it is (or isn't) aligned with your life purpose. That which is aligned with your life purpose will increase the flow of life force into your energy field and amp up your overall health, well-being and ability to assist others.
The Life Purpose of Lightworkers
If you have not yet identified your specific area of focus in terms of your life purpose, do not despair. The fact that you are reading this says you are a lightworker -- a soul that has volunteered to incarnate to assist others with healing and developing higher consciousness. The fact that you are here in this time frame says you came here to play a vital role in the creation of Earth's future history. So, in other words, you have an overall purpose of healing your self and raising your vibration so you can become a greater light on the planet. Many other "sub purposes" are able to align with his overall purpose.Each of you has a wide spectrum of choices In terms of experiencing this overall purpose, depending on what excites you and brings you joy. Many of you choose to connect with abilities from past lives and continue to hone them into mastery, while others choose to explore new areas. Either way, these options are aligned with your overall purpose of assisting with healing and transformation on the planet. Your personal experience of this overall purpose is derived from your highest passion and excitement.
We offer a two-part approach to coming into alignment with your higher self and raising your vibration. Part one has to do with releasing anything that lowers your vibration, while part two has to do with consciously raising your vibration by moving toward that which enhances your spiritual alignment. In the next two installments we will look at these two approaches in detail.
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